(Apparently this story had been told before because all the other ladies there seemed to know it and chimed in with details and gory details.)
The next story comes from another fun friend, Haley from over at Welcome to the Mouse House.
Her tale is about a bubble romper that went very, very wrong:
And ended up fitting her instead of her little girl!!!
To read all about it just click HERE
Our last spooky guest is actually sharing 2 stories with us today.
So to wrap up our first week of Super Scary Sewing Stories we have our fabulous friend Michelle from over at Falafel and the Bee:
into the rug without realizing it.
Along comes younger daughter and….
it went through the back of her heel (sideways).
Luckily it just went under the first layer of skin, so there wasn’t a whole lot of blood.
My heart may have stopped, though, after seeing it sticking out of her footie pajamas.
So there you have it.
Week One of Super Scary Sewing Stories.
Tune in next week…when we’ll have 4 more guests telling their tragic tales….
Now that’s a LARGE pair of bubble rompers.. LOL!!! Thanks for the series and the laughs. Not that I laughed over the last one… ouch!!!!!
I think we all have scary sewing stories. 🙂 I know I do. And I do believe I have pictures somewhere of the double needle sticking out of my finger….
I had a student, several years ago, who was holding a pin (or needle? I forget) in his mouth when he sneezed, inhaling the pin in the process and lodging it in his throat. He showed me the pictures of his xray. He had to have it removed under sedation. No fun.
Ha so the swallowing the needles thing is actually pretty common apparently. I was reading a news article recently that kids have been DIY’ing their own blow guns and accidentally sucking the thing back into their mouths/throats, then they end up in the ER. In the article they mention this happens to people when they hold needles/nails/etc in their mouth- I assume someone makes you laugh and you suck it into your mouth on accident. I’m still terrible about holding needles in my mouth though. 😉
This confirms my choice to not use my rotary cutter the other night. I had a horribly stressful few hours that had put me into a tirade (involving the school, meds, and my daughter being left behind from a volleyball game for their failure to follow thru with retrieving the meds prior to the nurse leaving!) and I really needed to decompress. I really needed to cut out a stack of organic fleece backings for my Sensory Ribbon Blankets but just knew that was not a good idea. I was afraid I wouldn’t be focused and chop off a finger. And yes, a lady at the fabric store had that story and finger wrapped to prove it just months ago!
positively hair raising! Glad I’m not the only one that continues to sew after a scary sewing story!
Oh no!! But man…these were some pretty good stories. Why do the tragic adventures always make for the best stories?
Haha, after sewing for 50 years I thought I was the only one who had sewing horror stories, but I guess I’m not alone! Karen’s muumuu story brought back such a memory of when muumuu’s were The Thing to make. I’ll never forget mine and I wish I still had it.
hahaha ooo fun series!!!
I’m glad I’m not the only one. Do we give up on this addictive sewing habit? No way! In January, I got my finger too close to my needle & needed to visit the doctor the next day…got to see an interesting x-ray & I do have a photo taken after the doctor operated on it.
Aghhhhh!!!! That freaks me out!!!!-liZ
SO that story she told me IS totally plausible…that is horrifying!
Danielle! Stop putting the needles in your mouth!!! All these stories are making me nervous.
Good choice. I don’t ever sew when I’m mad..it leads to mistakes and them I’m even more mad than I was when I started!
I don’t know but you are right, tragic adventures do make for the best stories!
You had an operation due to a sewing injury!?! Man this is a dangerous hobby! But I’ll never give it up 🙂
I’ve only taken one sewing class, and the teacher told me the same thing about swallowing pins. It happened to someone in her class. I’m starting to think that maybe they just say this to all classes! I still do it, but most every time I do I can still hear her story! 🙂
Oh my gosh! I totally need to stop putting pins in my mouth! I do it all the time!!! Yikes. I’m loving reading these stories. Such a fun idea:). I remember the first thing I made actually, now that we’re talking about it. It was a jumper dress in high school. And the fabric was home décor clearance fabric my mom paid for. Yep, I was walking around in what looked exactly like a couch in shape and fabric–tan with big blue flowers. But I was so very proud of it and didn’t realize there were other fabric options!
Great stories – I may just be scared enough into never holding a pin in my mouth again!
Oh, Pam!!! You poor thing! I absolutely CANNOT tell my daughter this story. She is only 9 and is currently obsessed with bras- even putting them on her Christmas list when she definitely does NOT need them.
Oh, and I put pins in my mouth all the time. Definitely a scary thought!
We have had a few needle and pin incidents here, but nothing serious. We have had more fishing hooks stuck in feet, to be fair. I do know someone that had a needle snap off in her foot and she was in rough shape for a long time- I think it might have gotten infected and traveled further into her foot or something.
My cousin swallowed a pin once. They had to knock her out to retrieve it. I sure will never put a pin in my mouth! It gives me the willies just thinking about it!
I’ve sewn for years and never hurt myself. I open a fabric store and within a couple of months manage to cut a large hunk off the side of my thumb with a rotary cutter while cutting customer fabric. Thankfully I didn’t bleed all over the fabric. When my daughter was 8 months old she found a sewing pin in the carpet and swallowed it. It lodged just above the opening to her esophagus and had to be removed under anesthesia. The hospital gave us both the pin and the x-ray to show her when she gets older.