I’ve always considered Elizabeth and I more of a Lucy and Ethel sort of pair but last week someone told us that we were just like Thelma and Louise…and after what happened during the 24 hours following that statement I’m wondering if that may be more accurate.
Even as I’m sitting here writing this I’m giggling and I can’t stop…it’s been like this ever since I came home. But the problem is this: I can’t tell you what is so funny.
Ok, sure, technically I could but it’s just not appropriate and I promised Elizabeth I would only share the stories that were appropriate. I promised. (But I still can’t stop laughing.)
Ok, sure, technically I could but it’s just not appropriate and I promised Elizabeth I would only share the stories that were appropriate. I promised. (But I still can’t stop laughing.)
I better start at the beginning.
Last week Elizabeth and I went on a two day trip to Colorado to film an episode of the PBS show Sew It All.
(It was really exciting…and look how cute the set is!)
But from the moment we set off for Colorado it seemed as though we were destined for disaster. Beginning with us sprinting through the airport parking lot, in the rain, with all of our luggage, to catch a shuttle to take us to our flight which would be so turbulent that we would have to wear our seatbelts the entire time and where the pilot would have to keep coming over the intercom to reassure the passengers that all would be well.
Then after our arrival and later that night, actually around 3 in the morning, I was awakened by a terrible wind storm…a wind storm that was so bad it blew the sign off of the hotel we were staying in…and the no parking signs off of their posts…and tipped over a forklift in a nearby parking lot…and knocked out the power.
Which was when I woke Elizabeth up and was freaking out that there was going to be a tornado and made her look up every weather report we could find on her phone.
(And while there were a million severe storm warnings for our area there were none for tornados so she told me to quit freaking out and go to sleep…which I did but then had a terrible nightmare about a rat in our hotel room…but that is another story.)
Anyways…let’s skip ahead to the fun part…Sew It All! What a fun place!
As you can see the set is adorable. And we were lucky enough to be taxied around that day by Beth and then taken care of by Nicole (both are associate editors there at Sew It All and both of them are DARLING). We also got to have lunch with the whole crew and I got to have my first look at a Taco Pizza which Ellen (the show’s host) had ordered.
(If you follow us over on Facebook, you’ll know why seeing a taco pizza is significant 🙂
For our episode of Sew It All we shared how to make a bubble skirt step by step:
Elizabeth was smart enough to snap a few pictures while the set was being prepped…I was too involved with looking around, asking questions, and taking in how all of the filming was going to work. It was so interesting to check out the set with all the lighting and props and cameras. I was totally intrigued.
It seems silly that the two girls who never show their faces decided to tape an episode of a TV show. But we did it. And it was fun….and as usual we have no photos of ourselves to share with you.
However, our episode will be airing this spring…and our faces will be all over it….
(AGH! Why does that seem so scary!?!)
So there you have it.
The abridged story of our 2 day adventure. And, as I promised Elizabeth I would, I left out all the inappropriate, albeit HILARIOUS events and encounters that happened.
(Like that story about the guy next to me on the plane, or the double sided tape, or the police, or that pesky cardigan, or the displaced hippies, or that rouge, or I better stop there, after all I did promise.)
It was an adventure and a 48 hours that I won’t forget anytime soon.
Plus, even though our trip was a lot more like Thelma and Louise than it was Lucy and Ethel it thankfully didn’t end with us flying off a cliff. We had an uneventful flight home and are spending all day today happily home with our family. (Our favorite place to be.)
Hope all of you are enjoying your Columbus day as well.
PS—In case you were wondering what fabric we used for the skirts for the show we used a few pieces from the new Sidewalks line from Riley Blake Designs. (And we love it…every piece is adorable!)
Hehe this all sounds very exciting and of course intriguing!! Please share a link to your episode for us UKers to watch when the time comes!
An enjoyable post and I wish I would have read it BEFORE I headed out late to go to the Post Office, Bank, and Dept. of Motor Vehichles! Seriously…what are the chances that all the errands most pertinent and on my list for today would all be closed? I basically did a circle around a few blocks in my neighborhood after clueing in at the Post Office stop. Then got home and realized I forgot to get money out for the cleaning ladies (yeah hoo for me–after 25 years I have said “forget it” to cleaning bathrooms!) so I did what any smart mom would do…”borrowed” it from my fifth grade daughter’s stash 🙂
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Absolutely love your posts.
Oh! I can’t wait to see this episode!! I watch Sew-It All every Saturday morning, your show will be great. Please let us know when it will be on so we won’t miss it. Love your adventure and your blog.
OK You can’t leave us hanging!! We are all friends in need of a good inappropriate laugh!
Glad you made it safely back home. I can’t wait to see the show!
Oh my gosh!! I would have been in hysterics on the plane. I hope neither of you are the afraid to fly type like I am. and hmm police… this does sound interesting. It is making me wish you could share it all!!
Umm….we are both afraid to fly….which made it all the more interesting 😉
You guys are so much fun! I can picture both of you giggling away! I just love you guys!!! Thanks for making me smile and giggle to myself while reading about your adventure!
Oh man that is so cool! I love Sew It All!!! Can’t wait to see you on the show.