This last spring, we took a Disney trip. My husband had a conference there so we decided to take the opportunity to tag along. We explored Epcot and all its food (I want to go back sans kids and explore more food), some of us went on the Tower of Terror (not me—total wimp here) and we had a great time.
But for most of the trip I was alone with the kids, and because I have different ages of children who are at different stages of life…..finding something everyone wanted to do was sometimes quite the feat. My almost tweens (I guess one is a tween) wanted to do bigger rides and my two-year-old wanted to ride the merry-go-round about 100 times–so I was always looking for happy mediums. One of our happy mediums was always the Winnie the Pooh ride.
(This is totally off the subject but I still dream about the Butterfinger brownies that you can buy at the bakery tucked behind the Winnie the Pooh ride at Disneyland. It was a totally different trip, but if you are ever in Disneyland, you MUST have one…..Sorry for my food detour, it’s a habit of mine to remember food on vacations.)
The two-year-old still talks about that trip—and the big things he remembers are the merry-go-round, Buzz Lightyear and Winnie the Pooh. So, when we were asked recently if we wanted to preview The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh that is coming out on August 27 (and in a Blu-ray Combo Pack for the first time), I knew he would love it.
It came in the mail last week…and so I immediately knew what our “fun thing” was for the day. After chores and lunch, we popped popcorn and added our sour patch kids (a favorite combo around here) and started the movie.
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How cute! I love Pooh Bear.
Imagination is the foundation to all that my children will accomplish throughout their life. To be confident in who you are starting from an early begins with success through adventure and success to through friendships. You can’t get any more important.
My oldest daughter was born around the time the Heffalump movie came out. Once the excitement of that movie wore off, I was afraid the memory of Pooh might fade in my household. The aforementioned daughter is probably too old to enjoy Pooh now, but I have one (or maybe two) that would love to see this movie 🙂
I am always telling my son to put blankets back or strictly limit them before because other wise every homemade blanket ends up in our living room (at least they are easy to clean up). I think I will have to hit Winco bulk section before our next family movie night and try the sour patch kids/popcorn combo because my son loves popcorn and my husband loves sour patch kids. It is fun to see the every day clips.
With Love,
Love the quilt. I also love listening to ansley play and the adventures she comes up with.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills and enjoy the fun of being a kid.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
It’s important to have friends and have fun to be sociable and happy
Pooh is just timeless. So great to see it coming back around for the next generation!
It important because my children learn so much by playing together and with other kids, as well as by using their imaginations. This prepares them to be productive and happy adults.
So sweet! My three year old told me this week he couldn’t “bounce” because he doesn’t have a tail. It took me a little bit to translate that one.
Imagination, friendships, and a sense of adventure can open up the whole world to children. I try to nurture them and allow them to follow the beat of their own drums.
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My son lived the world of Winnie the Pooh both Milne books and Disney movies. He loved them for years and years. Now I would like to do the same for my 2 year old grandson. My movies are old VHS’. I would love to introduce Winnie the Pooh to him.
I didn’t read the blog post. My eyes are hurting…sorry. However, I saw the wonder and awe in that sweet little boy face and I had to tell you what a great moment you captured. His little hand holding on to pooh. What a time of innocence that you can look back on and cherish…great shots! They tell an amazing story all in themselves.
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I use to watch pooh all the time when I was little! An imagination is important. My niece can come up with any sort of game or idea about anything. We play so many different things, especially in the pool! Never a dull moment with her around.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite thing to do is to listen to my children play. Winnie the Pooh is one if my favorite characters and I love that it’s the stories of a little boy’s adventures with his toys.
My favorite thing to do is to listen to my children play. Winnie the Pooh is one if my favorite characters and I love that it’s the stories of a little boy’s adventures with his toys.
Love Winnie the Pooh 🙂
Love Winnie the Pooh 🙂
Oh, how cute is this quilt! I love Simple Simon!
Hannah from Sew Adorable Fabrics
We all still LOVE Winnie the Pooh over here (even the 13 year old)!
I can’t wait to see it!
I love my kids imagination. It allows them to be who they want to be without any limitation. Sometimes I wish as an adult I could be as free as they are.
I love pooh bear!
My girls are the best of friends, and they are constantly using their imaginations together. I love hearing them pretend playing and acting out scenarios, and I love even more that there is no one they’d rather play with than each other. Love their sweet, free spirits!
My daughter’s imagination is just blooming. She turned two today and over the last couple of months I’ve watched her pretend play take on a new dimension. Her toys and stuffies are her little friends and together they explore the world.
We Love Tigger especially at our house, pooh is a close second.
We Love Tigger especially at our house, pooh is a close second.
We used to sing the Winnie the Pooh song to my oldest granddaughter. She loves to think up involved stories, with parts for everyone. Now her little sister is just the perfect age to love Winnie the Pooh.
We are pretty new to the area we live in and I often wonder if my child will develop those lasting friendships that my husband and I have. She does have a group of friends like Christopher Robin did, Tony the pony, Horsey, and May the grey horse. My husband made the comment tonight, man Tony has so many birthdays, it is like every other day!!! What a great time of their life! I hope your children can learn to love like the cast of Winnie the Pooh. Thanks!
I remember picking up a copy of this just before having kids when I worked at The Disney Store a LONG time ago. But my precocious son at age 2 thought bending the shiny thing would be really cool, and the disk snapped in half! I’m not a Pooh person (#TeamMickey) but this movie IS childhood. I’ll have to get a new copy.
My oldest son is Autistic and we were told he might not be that imaginative…but that couldn’t be further from the truth. His imagination astounds me daily. He only has a few friends, but he loves them dearly. Hope they last a lifetime!
I love Winnie the Pooh. I have very fond memories of it as a child. I also used to buy all things Winnie the Pooh for my baby brother to wear. Even my current nursery for my little girl is classic Winnie the Pooh.
The Pooh has always been a favorite of my little sis and my kids. Well, still a favorite of my sis. She is a Down syndrome 55 year old, today.
Right now, friendship is one of the areas that I am concerned about with my children since we homeschool. I believe as children get older, finding one or two friends to really bond with is really important. I am trying to be very proactive about it especially this summer. I do tend to worry since my middle child seems to be left out the most.
Our children are the best of friends which is pretty important since we are together all the time! They have a few really wonderful friends through church, sports and other activities, but I love seeing them play with one another and us their creativity and imaginations to come up with all sorts of crazy tales and adventures!
I love Pooh Bear! It’ s so important to have all of those, friendship, imagination, and adventure, in a child’s life. It build them up and helps them grow and develop. So fun to have this on blu-ray!
AAwwwwhhh….and he will most likely be this absorbed the 100th time he watches this video. Thanks for sharing!
Having friendships and developing their imaginations as well as a sense of adventure will definitely shape my kids’ personalities and have an effect on the lives they lead someday. Exposure to stories of Winnie the Pooh will definitely have an impact!
My girlies love that chubby little cubby! Great giveaway idea.
My oldest two kids are already best friends at ages six and three, and I love to hear them play and have make-believe adventures.
Glad to hear it’s the classic Winnie the Pooh! My grandson is a big fan!
It is important to learn necessary skills for a happy and rewarding life.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
tweet –
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Love Pooh, so many great lessons about life in those stories.
My two year old is learning about friends and loves re-counting the fun experiences that he’s had with them.
its important for kids to be able to dream and imagine 🙂 kids have to be kids !
I Love Winne the Pooh!
Friendship and imagination are what allow my son to tackle adventures in his life.
Every kid needs a buddy. Someone to learn and play with. When I think back on my own childhood most of my memories involve my best girl friends. I know my son will have similar memories as he grows with his friends.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
I think its very important. It helps them grow and develop a personality and great social skills as well.
Pooh has always been my favorite, could watch him every day!
friendship, imagination and adventure are important because you need to escape and explore in your mind it helps you grow and be creative and it makes life that more interesting and everything is better with a friend
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
It’s important for kids because it helps to develop their social skills.
Imagination is important for creativity and growing through adventures, which plays into their imagination.
Friendships and building relationships is a necessary skill for all ages
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
They are all character building traits and therefore very important.
Friendship is important to have support in life and people to share the happy moments with and building relationships is important for careers. As for imagination? What would a grand adventure be without one? All are very important tools for a child to grow and prosper! 🙂
deeg131 at gmail dot com
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I think it helps mold the child into a well adapted adult.
I feel that the importance of friendship, imagination and adventure in my kids lifes help them to develope socially and emotionally.
Thanks so much.
We love Pooh at my house too! He definitely looked like he enjoyed himself!
These things are all important in my children’s live, because it gives them confidence, fun and helps them develop and learn about the world.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Through friendship, children learn tolerance, compassion, and social interaction. Playing together inspires imagination, and that increases thinking power. So yes, it’s all very important to a child’s development.
Adventure brings new experiences and learning to children.
I like how it helps kids learn to be good friends by sharing.
Imagination and friendship allows kids to realize that you can to be different and that is okay.
enter me thanks
edq143 at yahoo dot com
my sons favorite adventurer is his wonderful cat silver
addrienne mertens
zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
My son and I both love Winnie the Pooh!
Kids need to experience all this to grow and become who they will be. It also helps with social skills, independence, and confidence.
Friendship, imagination and adventure help develop social and skills and self-confidence
these things are important,help them to learn about themselves and what them want in their life
Friendship makes you learn the ups and downs of social interaction
Friendship, imagination and adventure are impoart for my kids because they make life richer and happier.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
My daughter thrives from friendships. She learns the most by mimicking others actions. I love watching her gain skills by being creative and using her imagination.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills and enjoy the fun of being a kid.
These three things are what help my children to grown into emotional healthy adults.
Thank you.
So happy they are showing the classic version. It is the best! I would get through the day if my child had no imagination. It allows them to live childhood to the fullest!
encouraging imagination builds problem solving skills for the future
friendships develop relationships outside the family for a child
tiffany lane
he is only 8 months; so far friendship means someone new to chew on! scg00387 at yahoo dot com scg0037 at yahoo dot com
because the combination of the 3 of them help to form his personality. He is drawn to kids who play and imagine like himself which helps him develop strong relationships
Imagination helps children become creative thinkers; friendship and adventure is an essential part of life
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
the imagaination helps with children begin to explore their on their own world of make believe. it helps develop sense of character and shows that each friend can be different but still be friends despite what they are.
love Winnie the pooh
My daughter loves Winnie the Pooh. We read the books at home 🙂
All are necessary skills to be a well adjusted child.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Pooh Bear is a favorite from my childhood too. You can never say no to Pooh Bear.
Friendship, imagination and adventure in your child’s life is important because it molds them to become who they are and teaches them love and acceptance.
My four year is recently learning the value of friendship and its wonderful to see his development, he has a huge imagination and we try to enhance it at every opportunity. My two year old is the one with all the sense of adventure!
Friendship, imagination and adventure are so important in a child’s life because they will use all of these things throughout their entire life!
The ability to use imagination to create an adventure with their friends molds a child into a confident and well social balanced individual.
my kids use their imaginations to come up with adventures to enjoy with their friends
i tweeted
I do not have kids but friendship is very important. When I was a kid I was always with my friends, and I had a big imagination!
I think imagination is incredibly important and do whatever I can to encourage imagination through playtime.
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Imagination is so important to encourage it helps a child grow and be creative. I really think it helps them believe they can do anything. My kids and I have tea partys, and such are favorite is pretending to be a vet.
Friendship, Imagination and Adventure will help a child grow and want more from life.
Friendship and imagination play critical roles in making loving humans, as evidenced by my 27 year old’s nickname is still Tigger, my other son Piglet and me mom-I’m Winnie.
Diane Baum
Friendship is the lodestone in our lives. Creativity and a sense of adventure can spark a child to perform better in school, become more confidant, problem solve – and lead to an amazing adulthood.
i tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
It allows them to discover who they are which is needed when they get older. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I love when kids have adventures is takes them to places they may never see with out a imagination
I love that my daughter has stayed friends with her buddies from daycare throughout the year, even when they went on to different schools. They’ve maintained a wonderful bond.
Great contest… love this movie! I want to watch it with my nieces!
I loved this movie. If I win, I want to watch it with my nieces!
I think they all build character and help the kids live healthy active social lives.
Brittney House
These pictures of your little boy are priceless!
These pictures of your little boy are priceless!
My daughter has 3 best friends (who are siblings, family friends) when they are all together they inevitably embark on incredibly imaginative adventures. They write, costume, direct & preform musicals, plays & dance recitals. They turn everyday occurences into flights of fancy. It brings immense joy to my heart! 🙂
My daughter has 3 best friends (who are siblings, family friends) when they are all together they inevitably embark on incredibly imaginative adventures. They write, costume, direct & preform musicals, plays & dance recitals. They turn everyday occurences into flights of fancy. It brings immense joy to my heart! 🙂
Friendship, adventure, and imagination are all important aspects in a children’s life. They grow emotionally and mentally and it let’s them be who they are and discover themselves. It gives them skills they will need in their adult lives. I love sitting and just watching my kids use their imaginations!
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
It helps them be good people as they mature
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
by reading out loud and spending time creating from nothing I can help my children open their mind star95011atyahoodotcom
It will help enrich his life and make him a better & more well rounded person.
Friendship is very improtant in any childs life, i try to get my son to build as many friendships early in life as possible to help teach him how to share and give him a sense of loyalty. Adventure and imagination are also soo so important to my young son, these charactoristics play big roles in anything a child does and wants to grow up to be, imagination allows him to pretend to be anything he wants and adventure lets him think of things he can do that help him imagine what he wants to be. Yamaharider422 at excite dot com
Our middle daughter personifies friendship, imagination and adventure. She sees the good in almost everyone and is an artist.
ky2here at msn dot com
ky2here at msn dot com
It is so important for kids to have an imagination. As my kids grow I see how their imagination grows too! I encourage their creativity and socializing with similar friends!
Friendship, imagination and adventure help children grow in many ways. They give them the ability to develop strong friendships and have wonderful creative abilities in life.
I want my daughter to find happiness and with that she will need to make many friends. Her imagination is important so she can dream big.
chasingbaby at gmail dot com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills
Friendship, imagination and adventure are so vital to children growing into productive, well adjusted and happy adults.
Since I don’t have any kids, I will share my own experiences as a kid! My friendships, some of which I still have, were my support system thru my parents’ divorce. My imagination was and is my way to escape and became integral in what I do today (I am a writer). Adventure to this day is a lifesaver and created experiences that shaped who I am and who I will be.
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
Imagination lets children (and adults too) experience things they may never have the opportunity to do. Visit outer space, dive deep in the ocean or fight a dragon. A vivid imagination keeps me sane.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweet –
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I truly believe that friendship, imagination and adventure are of the utmost importance in our child’s life. They help with growth and maturity and help keep life fun and exciting.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children to be well rounded.
pokergrl8 at
pokergrl8 at
Friendship, imagination and adventure are some of the most important aspects of my sons’ lives. We try to incorporate them into our everyday life because they not only mean developing creative and social skills, but enjoying their childhood years (which go by way too fast)
The little one already has quite the vivid imagination!
Friendship, imagination and adventure are all important for kids (and adults, too) We take a daily hike around the lake and see what adventures we can have.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
slehan at juno dot com
Its very important that my kids have fun with there imagination and go on fun adventures with there good friends.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are the three best things when you’re a child. Friendship for when you’re feeling lonely. Imagination for when you’re feeling bored. Adventure for when you’re feeling a little..well, adventurous! 😉
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
Friendship, imagination, and wonderful adventures can provide an enriched childhood.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
Great friends can help when you want to go on an actual adventure and come up with an imaginative adventure. Best ever!
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All kids need to have friends – And Winnie the Pooh was all about friendship; the stories were great to expand the imagination as they went on adventures
tjandbcd at optonline dot net
tjandbcd at optonline dot net
Studies have shown that the more imaginative children are the better they will be at coping and problem solving as they get older 🙂
*tweet, tweet*
It helps them become creative and kind adults.
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
I think the importance of friendship teaches good values on how to treat others