Although Skirting the Issue doesn’t end until August 18th at midnight, today is the official last day of our Skirting the Issue posts. And like I said in the title I love beginnings but am not so fond of endings.
This year, as last year, I’ve been so touched by your emails, stories, and the items that you’ve made to donate. Here are a few of the items that been uploaded to the Skirting the Issue Flickr Group:
This darling dress and matching bag from Butterflies and Faeries.
These fun pillowcase and treat packets made by Fishsticks Designs.
And these beautiful baby buntings made by Nina.
As of right now we are almost up to 200 items made to be donated. That is fantastic!
But…can we make it to 300 items before August 18th???
I hope so. That would be wonderful.
(And remember to please upload your items to the Skirting the Issue Flickr Group…every item uploaded enters you to win one of our list of prizes…fabric, gifts cards, and a brand new SINGER sewing machine.)
Thank you to all of you who have sewn along with us.
Thank you.
Skirting the Issue is something that is very dear to us and we could not do it without you.
So thank you.
We appreciate you…very very much.
So very very Much.
Add five that I haven’t taken a picture of yet. Ha. Are you on instagram?