How you encourage your children to try new things and follow their dreams?
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I try to strike a balance of “no you’re NOT ALLOWED to do that” and letting them climb and fall out of trees. (Of which we don’t have any good climbing trees around here, anyway.) Like you, I hover. I’m a little overprotective. But on the other hand, I’m realistic. I know I can’t protect them from everything. But we’ve also made it through five years without an emergency trip to the hospital… which is more than my sister can say about hers! And at times, according to Gracie, I’m the “meanest auntie in the universe” which is a title I bear with pride!. (That’s usually after I tell her that no, she’s not allowed to do something that can easily lead to death, dismemberment, or other unspecified injury!)
I am also a helicopter mom by many standards. I like to think of it as holding off against the worlds pressures and scares of today. I want to protect my girls from the worlds scares as long as possible (yet we do share what can happen). I also am known to do this–Please READ (all who see thhis!)this post. It pertains to letting our kids soar by not hovering. I think you will find this woman and her writing inspiring, thought-provoking, and beautiful. The blog is called “Hands Free Mama”.
Also, there is the most amazing recent post called Stopping the Redlight Excuses. When I read it I wanted every parent to read it!!!!
My kids are in the early and mid-20s and I still have problems with trying not to hover. I can’t really tell them “no” anymore, but I do worry, probably more than I should. But I try not to show that I’m worrying, listen to them, and try to have a positive attitude in what they are attempting to do in life.
I try to get my kids to talk about their dreams. Hard to know what work you have to do to follow your dreams if you don’t know what they are!
I am bad at trying to prevent them from getting hurt so I don’t let them try as many things. This summer I have been trying real hard to let them know they can get hurt but it might be worth it if they succeed. So far it’s been working great
We read a lot of books and talk about our dreams to help them maintain their curiosity of the world as well as think that anything’s possible
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I encourage my children to follow their passions for art and music. My 8 year old is a budding artist, my 10 year old plays guitar and drums, and my 3 year old daughter takes ballet. I applaud their accomplishments and motivate them to keep doing their best.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
My four children are all grown & gone now. But when they were younger I always tole them to follow their dreams. Life is too short and you should always try to be happy. Have to say I am proud of all four of them.
I’m a total helicopter mom of 8!!!!
I don’t have kids, but I encourage my niece by telling her she can do anything she sets her mind to.
I remind my kids that they can do anything they want and that God made everybody with a purpose.
would love to win this…
you can do anything you set your mind too.
We let them pursue whatever they want within limits.
I was tired of always being the “no” mom and for the most part allow what is going to happen happen. Most of the time they realize the mistake they made and learn from it which is the best lesson, work through the problem to find a reasonable solution!
I try to involve my kids in sports or activities that interest them. I also practice with them and encourage them to try their best to achieve their goals.
I always tell them “Anything is possible”, but I also go out of my way to show them examples of that as well. It’s the idea of “If he can do it, why can’t I?” attitude…in a positive way of course.
sallyavena at gmail dot com
By letting her to try as many avenues as possible.
I encourage my child by supporting his ideas and dreams and by teaching him to work hard
My husband’s Mother always told him he could be anything he wants, but always try to be the very best you can at it.
Give it your all.
That has been our motto for our girls too.
I encourage my boys by helping them align their dreams with things that actually matter for eternity…broadening their view beyond self.
I like the idea of one special thing each day. I’ve been thinking about all the things I want to make available to my daughter this summer but I’ve gotten too ambitious which defeats the purpose of a slower-paced, lower-stress time of year. It’s nice to just remember that one thing every day is a lot of great memories over the course of the summer.
I encourage them to always give things their best effort. That in itself is a success.
I just make sure they know they are supported
we encourage our daughter to follow her dreams riding her horses
I have no kids. I would let me just play and learn about interacting with others in sport and fun
I take the time to listen to my son when he talks about his dreams and passions, even though he is just 7 years old. Even though some may not make sense, I encourage him, and remember that these are his dreams. 🙂
we cheer them on really loudly
I encourage my daughter to try new things–types of sports or activities and when I see she is really interested in something I push her to do the best she can at it and constantly be supportive of her in any decision she makes!
enter me thanks
My husband is the positive one. I need to be more supportive and loving!
My so is an airforce pilot and he and his son Isaac, will be in the first row of the theater! Love the planes And the great idea of sonething special every day. Summer isnt the same with my kids all grown up! So many fun times and Everyone out there-treasure them!!!
I have two nieces and I don’t encourage them. However, I do try to inspire them and open them up to new interests by taking them on day trips to local museums, concerts, and storytelling events at the library. We participate in arts and crafts classes once a month and bake together. I spend every Saturday morning and afternoon with them while my brother and his wife work so we try to make it a fun experience each time!
deeg131 at gmail dot com tweeted!
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I challenge my children by enrolling them in sports.
I encourage them by giving them steps to follow in order to reach their goals They want to go to the anime convention, then first they have to do chores to earn the money to get there! It’s not just about giving them work to do though It’s also about supporting them and helping them find ways to get to where they want to go 🙂
Tweeted 🙂 –
I encourage my daughter to keep trying even when she thinks it’s too difficult to go on. I let her know anything that is truely important to her is worth fighting for to press on.
I encourage my kiddos by doing lots of different activities with them to foster a love of trying new things! I also sign them up for classes to help them learn and grow and find undiscovered talents!
I try to speak as positively as possible and not knock down their ideas.
chambanachik at gmail dot com
My son knows (because I tell him like 40 times a day) that he is smart, kind, important, and loved. I have always been very honest with him about everything, including shots at the doctor. He knows that he can trust me 100% and has faith in my word. If I say he can do something or that he should try something, he believes me and he does. We work as a team!
I encourage and support them to experience all they like, enjoy the process of trial and error. It was not always pleasant and smooth, however I do believe you got to give them chances to grow.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I tell them I’m proud of them. Encourage them to spend their time doing things at which they feel competent and valued
Give them a good supply of craft materials and plenty of free time! Thanks for the contest.
i think the key is to have them try many things, whether it’s in the arts, sports, or intellectual pursuits, and see what they spark to or are good at–even if it’s not necessarily what you desire. it’s best that they find something that they’re passionate about, not what they feel pushed into doing!
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
I challenge my children to follow their dreams by giving positive reinforcement, motivating them often, and enrolling them in classes or teams that help make those dreams become more a reality. Thanks.
I encourage them to give it their all and to try their best.
By telling them that with hard work they can follow their dreams.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I help my kids by opening them up to new opportunities. For example, my son loves playing video games which would sometimes drive me crazy since I would have to yell to get him off of the PS3. So this summer, instead of yelling, I signed him up for a summer computer programming camp for kids at our local University and it’s been awesome! He’s programmed his own ninja video game and has found something that he truly loves and wants to continue learning about!
we try to expose them to different opportunities to find out what they like
I always tell them that they can do anything they put their mind to
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Encourage the kids to be different, try different things, and solve the same problem multiple ways. Challenge your kids to get outside their comfort zone and build them up.
I tweeted
tell them to work hard, and to never give up and don’t listen to what anyone says.
groogruxking40 at gmail dot com
I give my daughter the freedom to try things in a different way and use her imagination.
My kids are older, so the encouragement frequently consists of being a sounding board as they think out pros and cons, ins and outs of different things. I sometimes point out things they don’t seem to have considered, but it is pretty self-directed by now.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail . com
I sit with my kids once a month to make a schedule, and I love when they have tons of feedback! IT’s something to look forward to every month, even if it is as small as a trip to the library or learning a new sport!
I also show my kids that hard work pays off, my husband and I are in the process of opening our own business, so the kids really see how things can happen if you really try!
By teaching them critical thinking and supporting their decisions.
ky2here at msn dot com
ky2here at msn dot com
I encourage my kids by being their biggest and loudest cheerleader! I always let them know that anything can be accomplished if you work hard enough at it and I support them every step of they way!!
Brittney House
I encourage my daughter to practice her piano.
aleksnearing gmail com
By setting a good example and being their biggest support.
I give them tasks based on their individual strong points
We teach them it’s alright to fail and that it’s most important to TRY !!
ktgonyea at gmail dot com
I just tell them to do their best in all that they try to do.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
We give them small tasks that they can complete so they feel confident.
Be a great example and be their strongest cheerleader. To get them to try new things – have them see you try new things 🙂
i do not have kids but i live when my nephew learn somehing new and trying to find his way in the world
I encourage them by helping them build confidence in themselves.
I am always encouraging my son to strive for greatness.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
We use positive reinforcement.
My children are adults now but I always tried to find ways to let them achieve small steps on the way to a big goal.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I encourage them to tell me anything. And when they do, I never ever talk them down.
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willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I show them all of the things and explain why it would be beneficial to learn it.
From their earliest ages I have encouraged them to explore new avenues and to pursue their interests. We have participated as a family in their pursuits and offered positive reinforcement by praising their activities.
I encourage them to overcome their fears, celebrate their successes & walk with them through their failures
I encourage my children to achieve their goals by supporting them and by encouraging creativity and confidence
I encourage our kids to reach for their goals by asking them how they are doing, what they want to do and how they plan to do it!
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I don’t have kids but if I did I would push them to try new things even if they are afraid.
By encouraging them to follow their dreams, try different things and to challenge themselves
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I encourage them by letting them know I believe in them and that anything is possible for them
I encourage my kids to try new things. My motto to them is “With God all things are possible.”
I encourage my kids my kids by encouraging them to do anything they set their mind to. My motto to them is the bible verse “With God all things are possible.”
I tell my kids they can be anything they want if they put the hard work in.
I always tell them to believe in themselves and that you wont know if you like something or not unless you try it!
pokergrl8 at
pokergrl8 at
we tell her she can be whatever she wants to be when she grows up.
We encourage our boys to try whatever they think they would like to do. Sometimes they realize it’s not for them. As in the case with karate. But sometimes it’s something that becomes a passion, like baseball. As long as they find something they really care about it and give it their all, we are happy.
Give them new experiences, go to different places or try a new activity
Encourage their creativity and allow them to dream big!
we homeschool so our kids can focus on subjects that they enjoy and have opportunities to follow their own dreams in life
I encourage him to try new things and expose him to many new things – granted he’s only 8 months, but new book, new toys, new textures, rain on his skin, puddles after the warm summer storms, sandy beaches etc
You never know what you’ll want to be or do in life until you know what’s out there!