I hate cleaning. It is hard to keep a positive attitude when you are doing something you don’t like. I try to overcome it by reminding myself that I am doing the things I don’t like so that I am able to enjoy the things I do like, for example having company over.
I used to think that I hated doing laundry and it would pile up and we would run out of things. I figured out I just don’t like folding the white/light load with all the undergarments and socks to fold. Now I start laundry with the easiest and end with the hardest. I start with towels (2 loads), jeans, darks, lights/whites. I also stopped trying to do it all in one day, one because we have a well and two because it is just to overwhelming. Sometimes it just gets washed and folded and not put away, but it just has to be clean to wear it! I also tend to do at least one full load a day to keep it from piling up.
Cleaning, I think I’ll do better & keep it up every time I get it clean but I never do so it’s always a marathon cleaning session when it does get clean
Things could be definitly cleaner in my house but that isn’t my biggest problem. I think staying in the present with my kids and not being distracted by the computer or phone (and I don’t even have a smart phone). I love doing activites and playing with my kids but I think I get easily distracted. I hate admitting that.
I take from this WONDERFUL qoute this….all the toiling, mundane duties of being a mom and wife are so much more than that when compiled together and looked at like the big picture they truely are. Me being sick (thanks to my husband) and still caring for my daughter (with a temp of 103.8)in the middle of the night, doing laundry twice a week, cleaning the bathrooms every Friday, making dinner (hate to cook but there is always something),serving my family’s needs with a migraine, driving them to the Dr., activities, friends houses, school…..these tasks are humble, repetitive, sometimes boring, or draining. YET, they are great and noble in the sense that I was given this gift and job of raising my girls to be happy, healthy, productive, creative children so that they too can grow up and do the same for themselves, others, and their family. My hope–that the mundane truely is greatness!
Ugh, can’t even type out a coherent thought but right now I struggle with getting too many ideas to try. Just now someone posted on FB that they are canning watermelon rinds. Well, I have two watermelons and hate to waste so I googled watermelon rind recipes. So, everything I was going to do today will have to get done in addition to canning watermelon rinds. Plus, I have flower girl dresses to make for a wedding on Saturday, lose 5 pounds so my tummy isn’t so poochy (arm exercise too because the dress is a little tight on my upper arms) in my dress for the wedding, find something for husband to wear to wedding, and now my daughter is asking for a bath but I have been bleaching the tub for the last few days because I want to sell the house and move to a place where I can get chickens (never mind that I am squeamish about live animals and “fresh”eggs), and have a greenhouse and a huge garden. Humble tasks, here I come!
Cooking. Meal planning. It’s hard to cook meals I’m not crazy about eating myself. I grew up in South East Asia and I now live in MN. The menus couldn’t be farther apart. How does one cook (repeatedly) a menu that everyone else eats but that one can’t bring oneself to? Some days I think that if I eat another bland casserole with cheese and ground beef or chicken in it, I’d scream. Bring on the curries! The spices! The fresh seafood! The rich coconut milks! The peppers! Alas. It’s meatloaf … again. And mashed potatoes. Or pasta salad. The kids are at the stage where we often have to choose good nutrition over experimenting with exotic flavors so we keep rotating through the same 10+ dishes with the occasional exciting dish that has everyone fanning their mouths and reaching for the iced water. Eventually, as a family, we’re going to have a wonderful, diverse repertoire of dinner dishes (my goal) but for now, I tell myself to keep going – as long as there’s food on the table when it’s supposed to be, it’ll be a good day because hungry bellies will be fed and growing bodies will keep growing. Flavor can wait.
I really don’t like mopping. It is a necessity. So I have my kids do it 😉 I bought a shark steam mop and they all want to do it as a Saturday job, they like it so much maybe I am missing out…..I am OK with it though.
Remembering little ones are little for such a short time- so they deserve my attention much more than my Internet stalking or even my sewing projects. I will always have time for those things later.
Cleaning for sure. Regular cleaning isn’t so bad, but cleaning walls or floors is something I’d rather miss. But for the bad I rather do like being a housewife and mom. 🙂
Maybe it is because I work full time and long to stay home with my kids and enjoy the mundane tasks of every day life, rather than rushing and squeezing to get everything done, but there is nothing I really don’t like about taking care of my house, kids and family. I do not mind washing dishes, like folding clothes especially my kids, I like making dinner and even washing the dishes, I love how I can look out over my backyard and see my kids swinging while I wash. I always wonder if I would feel differently if I didn’t work, or if it really is my joy in the simple things that is just me.
I hate cleaning. It is hard to keep a positive attitude when you are doing something you don’t like. I try to overcome it by reminding myself that I am doing the things I don’t like so that I am able to enjoy the things I do like, for example having company over.
I used to think that I hated doing laundry and it would pile up and we would run out of things. I figured out I just don’t like folding the white/light load with all the undergarments and socks to fold. Now I start laundry with the easiest and end with the hardest. I start with towels (2 loads), jeans, darks, lights/whites. I also stopped trying to do it all in one day, one because we have a well and two because it is just to overwhelming. Sometimes it just gets washed and folded and not put away, but it just has to be clean to wear it! I also tend to do at least one full load a day to keep it from piling up.
Cleaning, I think I’ll do better & keep it up every time I get it clean but I never do so it’s always a marathon cleaning session when it does get clean
Things could be definitly cleaner in my house but that isn’t my biggest problem. I think staying in the present with my kids and not being distracted by the computer or phone (and I don’t even have a smart phone). I love doing activites and playing with my kids but I think I get easily distracted. I hate admitting that.
I take from this WONDERFUL qoute this….all the toiling, mundane duties of being a mom and wife are so much more than that when compiled together and looked at like the big picture they truely are. Me being sick (thanks to my husband) and still caring for my daughter (with a temp of 103.8)in the middle of the night, doing laundry twice a week, cleaning the bathrooms every Friday, making dinner (hate to cook but there is always something),serving my family’s needs with a migraine, driving them to the Dr., activities, friends houses, school…..these tasks are humble, repetitive, sometimes boring, or draining. YET, they are great and noble in the sense that I was given this gift and job of raising my girls to be happy, healthy, productive, creative children so that they too can grow up and do the same for themselves, others, and their family. My hope–that the mundane truely is greatness!
Ugh, can’t even type out a coherent thought but right now I struggle with getting too many ideas to try. Just now someone posted on FB that they are canning watermelon rinds. Well, I have two watermelons and hate to waste so I googled watermelon rind recipes. So, everything I was going to do today will have to get done in addition to canning watermelon rinds. Plus, I have flower girl dresses to make for a wedding on Saturday, lose 5 pounds so my tummy isn’t so poochy (arm exercise too because the dress is a little tight on my upper arms) in my dress for the wedding, find something for husband to wear to wedding, and now my daughter is asking for a bath but I have been bleaching the tub for the last few days because I want to sell the house and move to a place where I can get chickens (never mind that I am squeamish about live animals and “fresh”eggs), and have a greenhouse and a huge garden. Humble tasks, here I come!
I think I should try that….I love to fold towels, but don’t like the rest.
Love the idea of cleaning for things that you do like 😉
I am totally with you.
I am there too. I am determined to be present (and without so many distractions—electronics) this summer! Here’s to doing it together….
Lovely thought….the mundane is greatness!
Rachel, I have a watermelon sitting on my countertop too. And your tasks are great today!!!! (Take a few minutes for yourself 😉
Cooking. Meal planning. It’s hard to cook meals I’m not crazy about eating myself. I grew up in South East Asia and I now live in MN. The menus couldn’t be farther apart. How does one cook (repeatedly) a menu that everyone else eats but that one can’t bring oneself to? Some days I think that if I eat another bland casserole with cheese and ground beef or chicken in it, I’d scream. Bring on the curries! The spices! The fresh seafood! The rich coconut milks! The peppers! Alas. It’s meatloaf … again. And mashed potatoes. Or pasta salad. The kids are at the stage where we often have to choose good nutrition over experimenting with exotic flavors so we keep rotating through the same 10+ dishes with the occasional exciting dish that has everyone fanning their mouths and reaching for the iced water. Eventually, as a family, we’re going to have a wonderful, diverse repertoire of dinner dishes (my goal) but for now, I tell myself to keep going – as long as there’s food on the table when it’s supposed to be, it’ll be a good day because hungry bellies will be fed and growing bodies will keep growing. Flavor can wait.
P.S. I’d rather clean than cook. Any day.
LiEr, We need to be neighbors….I’ll cook…you clean. Although I am not sure I make an authentic curry….I think mine’s pretty American-ized.
I really don’t like mopping. It is a necessity. So I have my kids do it 😉 I bought a shark steam mop and they all want to do it as a Saturday job, they like it so much maybe I am missing out…..I am OK with it though.
Remembering little ones are little for such a short time- so they deserve my attention much more than my Internet stalking or even my sewing projects. I will always have time for those things later.
Cleaning for sure. Regular cleaning isn’t so bad, but cleaning walls or floors is something I’d rather miss. But for the bad I rather do like being a housewife and mom. 🙂
Nice photo, it worth thinking!
Maybe it is because I work full time and long to stay home with my kids and enjoy the mundane tasks of every day life, rather than rushing and squeezing to get everything done, but there is nothing I really don’t like about taking care of my house, kids and family. I do not mind washing dishes, like folding clothes especially my kids, I like making dinner and even washing the dishes, I love how I can look out over my backyard and see my kids swinging while I wash.
I always wonder if I would feel differently if I didn’t work, or if it really is my joy in the simple things that is just me.
Chocolate ice cream is my favorite…love your website…blog. janicerymer8@gmail.com