(I am still binding away….)
It’s about this time every year (I think it is the smell of Spring in the air) when I am reminded of my life seven years ago, when things were very different. All in about 3 months time, I had had surgery, found out I had thyroid cancer, gone off all thyroid meds, had radiation treatments, and was just working my way back up to “normal” life.
And for those weeks when I was on the couch, all I longed for was an “ordinary day.” I longed to get up and take care of my kids, to make cinnamon toast for breakfast, to play trains on the floor, or to just have enough energy to vacuum one room of the house.
It wasn’t a trip to Disneyland I missed; it was making lunches, or folding a load of laundry, or even reading a book to my 18 month old. It was the everyday, plain-old, ordinary tasks that I wanted back so badly.
And now it’s so funny to me of how all these years later, it seems like some of those same “ordinary days” are the hardest. Those simple tasks of motherhood can be monotonous, or exhausting, or just plain not fun. But those are the ones I missed most when I couldn’t do them…..
And so, even though I sometimes complain about those “ordinary days”—I still feel so blessed to have them.
So, here’s to an ordinary day! Have a wonderful one……
wow, really well written! i have had those ordinary days that just seem as if they won’t come to an end. just longing for something to change. thanks for letting me change perspective.
Beautifully written.
Thanks ladies, I don’t know why but I sometimes feel so vulnerable writing these homemaking posts (I think that’s why liZ took that job for so long)….so really, thank you for your kind words.
I love your post. I was in the hospital for just two (awful, exhausting) nights recently and it took weeks to get back to “normal”. I was able to do my duties (at a slow pace) and care for my family but having “myself” back took a little longer. I missed sewing. I used my energy for the family and had no time or energy for myself. On a very small scale I understand that. And as you, I agree, my favorite times are times at home, hanging out, caring for my family, taking care of duties, doing what I was put here to do 🙂
Beautiful post. Thank you.
yay Elizabeth, you are a Survivor (me too)!! You just never know what little thing is going to trigger your memory. I agree with you that ordinary days are the best days! Your quilt looks beautiful!!
Love reading the art of homemaking posts. Nice job. This is a great post.
Love reading the art of homemaking posts. Nice job. This is a great post.
I shared this with my husband the day you wrote this and he just asked me for the link to give to one of his clients (he is a psychologist)so thank you for inspiring me and helping my husband with his work 🙂