“Dig out the roots with a trowel or a special tool called a “dandelion digger” for digging out dandelions. Work the end, which looks like a screwdriver, into the soil and pull up the whole weed.”
Source :eHow
“Hand-weeding is still the best defense…”
Source: This Old House
Ruth will be back at the hospital this morning having a tube replaced. It’s a small, simple procedure but one that I am dreading non the less.
I’d like to complain now about the amount of illness we’ve had in our home, the number of doctor visits we’ve had, or count the trips we’ve taken to the hospital over the last 18 months…but I won’t…they just happen to be the weeds that our family needs to pull right now. And we’re working on it. Slowly but surely…just like your family is working on your own personal dandelions.
In a way it’s kind of nice to know that we’ve all got some yard work to do…and that we all need to do it the same way…day after day, one problem at a time…
(And sometimes, if we’re lucky a friend or two will help us out and pick a few of the dandelions for us along the way…which reminds me…thank you for all the help yesterday on Facebook with the stinky kitchen conundrum—it still isn’t solved but at least right now we know what the smell isn’t! And you helped me fret my time away worrying about the smell instead of freaking out about this morning. So thank you, I appreciate it.)
Wish us luck today.
P.S. The “Summer Sundresses” are up for voting at Project Sewn!!!! Go check them out….and VOTE!!!
Just yesterday my daughter brought me out on our lawn, showing me all the dandelions in the grass ….
Unsure if you have it in America..? But we have a spray called weed and feed, it’s not organic or natural but it works wonders! We had clover and prickles and dandelions everywhere when we first moved in, it was pretty but it attracted so many bees that the kids couldn’t run through the yard… We did it twice and we have an awesome lawn of grass! We still have weeds amongst the rocks on the driveway tho :/
In my family we call dandelions God’s favorite flowers. Has to be if he planted that many of them.
As for the fridge smell it does sound a wee bit like small dead animal in the wall. Try simmering a small pot of water with something slightly spicy in it like cardamom or cinnamon sticks. It can help minimize the ick factor until it subsides.
It is not a downer post at all! It made me smile! What a lovely example of trials and tribulations and working them out, day after day, and then finding a way to fill the unwanted with goodness, full and brimming, in hopes of keeping the “damdelions” out. Perfect! As far as the lawn goes–pre emergent, post emergent, (kids off the grass for a few days at this time of course!) aerate and seed in the fall, and fill in larger spots with seeds after roughing up ground first. We have a lawn guy do all this and it is reasonable and well worth it. We are in the process of thickening up the grass so it keeps out weeds and it will takes years. Worth the money:)
I’ve pulled out SO many dandelions this year. Unfortunately, all my neighbors tend to tolerate theirs, which means they come back every year thanks to those flying seeds. I think I still have fewer than most people around here, so it’s got to be doing something – right?
Don’t you find pulling dandelions therapeutic?? Oh, how I love the “pluck” when the roots break from the ground. I’ll come pull yours!
What a wonderful way of looking at it!
Good Luck with the tubes, again. I hope it goes quickly and smoothly.
We went to a seminar at the Horticulture Center last night and it was about all the different types of flowers that are edible. they served us salad made with Dandelions, lilac blossoms, Marigolds, and Mum blossoms, and different herbs from your yard. But the most amazing thing was all the jellies that they had made from flowers. Hibiscus, Marigold, Lavender, Dandelion, Mint, Rose, Elderberry, and most interesting of all was Pokeberry Jelly!! We were always told from childhood that Poke berries were poison, well not only are they not poison, they make wonderful jelly, you just have to make sure you strain the seeds out with a cheesecloth. So don’t be so quick to dig up your Dandelions, just pull the blooms off before they go to seed and snip the yellow part of the flower off, not the green base!
This is a nice blog, thanks for sharing. Painters
A great analogy, Liz, and a lovely blog post. Hope the dandelions (real and metaphorical!) give you some peace soon. Camilla xx
Hope Ruth is okay now. 🙂 I will have to get a dandelion digger. Our backyard is getting out of control.