Today we have a few random, unrelated items to share with you.
#1. Today we are over at Whatever Dee Dee Wants sharing some of our favorite spring projects.
Like this little beauty:
Like this little beauty:
Just kidding.
I mean sure, this is/was a real post (and you can read about this epic craft failHERE and see more scary photos) but those aren’t the kind we are sharing. Instead we have 7 different projects—some sewing, some crafting, and some painting—that are perfect for spring. And don’t involve rabid bunnies. (For heavens sake Ralphie take it off!!!)
So head on over to Dee Dee’sand check it out.
#2. This week Elizabeth and I are working on finishing up our girls Spring Look Books and are excited to start talking about them! Just like in the fall our looks are very different from each other but are both really fun. We’ll be sharing them soon!
#3. There are only a few days left to enter to win the $100 Visa card from Kaplan University so if you haven’t you can go over HERE to enter.
#4. Recently we’ve received some emails asking us about Bloglovin and when we were going to join. So yesterday we got our act together and signed up (is that the right word?). Now, if you are one of those ladies who would prefer to follow us that way we are all set to go and the Bloglovin button is over there on our right hand sidebar.
Alright! So I think that is everything for today.
Have a good one!
that hat/mask always makes me laugh:) it is way stinking cute:)