Like I was saying, there isn’t that much to work with. But I really do think that you can find something redeemable AND usable in just about any pattern—even if it’s a tiny tot tulip bikini top.
First, take the bottoms and sew them up to use for bloomers. (Which I did and I followed the original instructions which had me make them in a way that I had never made bloomers before so that was interesting.)
Second, take the exact tulip pattern from the top and use it as an embellishment on something else.
Oh! And I forgot to tell you that the tulip on the dress is also a pocket which will probably be put to good use this summer.
So that’s that. My favorite ugly pattern and what I made with it.
I love thrifted patterns. They have not only taught me how to sew but they have made sewing clothing affordable for me—at 25 and 50 cents a pattern I can afford to try as many different styles and techniques as I like.
Especially if I combine a thrifted pattern with thrifted fabrics and notions, which I did on this dress.
(The main fabric cost $1. The tulip fabric came from my scrap bin costing $0. And, the buttons came in a random sewing junk bag for 75 cents. Making the grand total for this outfit, after adding in the price of the patterns $2.50. Not too shabby.)
Hooray for thrifting! Hooray for sewing!
PS—In completely unrelated news—I am writing this post the night before you will read it. When you do read this I’ll be at the hospital with baby Ruth. She’s getting tubes in her ears and I am freaking out. I know, I know kids gets tubes in their ears everyday. But those kids aren’t my kids and those days aren’t today and I just don’t like stuff like this.
I’m sure I’ll up date how she is doing later in the afternoon over on Facebook.
Wish us luck.
She is SO cute!!
And I literally lol’ed when I scrolled down to see the little bikini top on that poor girl. It almost looks like frog handprints in a very unfortunate spot.
Good luck with the surgery!!!
that tulip bikini top is HILARIOUS !!!
I laughed out loud too! Seriously that is amazing. Good luck with baby Ruth today. She looks so grown up! 🙂
oh sweetie, we will be praying for you and ruth. and im the same way when it comes to my kids. and this post by the way is hilarious! oh those tulips. i guess kids clothes have always been risk-a. i never knew:) hugs!
Ohhh THIS is funny! I have never seen anything like it…hilarious!
And yeah I totally get what you are saying with tubes….so many of my friend’s kids have had them done but I would be freaking out for sure!! But it does help to think about it happens EVERY DAY to tons of kids and they are all fine afterwards!
Surely I had to comment and commend both of you for finding SOMETHING redeemable about that pattern. I scrolled up to it about four times thinking there was no way anyone could possibly ever ever ever find that cute or useful, other than to make a joke of. haha But,as always, i was surprised! I’ll be scooping up the ugliest pattern I see to find out what fun I can have!
The photo looks like the kids are looking in a mirror. She is horrified at what she is wearing and the boy is saying “What in the heck did they put on you?” I love the morning laughs. Your daughter is so cute in these pics. The attempts to make her look like the pattern photo are too funny. You’re mighty clever to have come up with the cute outfit you did! God Bless Ruth during her surgery.
The dress looks adorable! The pattern is scary looking 🙂 Good luck with the tubes. My son is on his fourth set, but I feel anxious every time he goes in.
They still sell that sundress pattern. And I’ve seen uglier than the tulip bikini! 😀 One of my fav crack patterns is an 80s McCalls Enchanted forest pattern that features a jumper that the bib is a gigantic daisy. And lately, Grace has been begging for the 40s and 50s patterns that have decapitated animal heads as pockets and overall/jumper bibs. (To which my response is that they’re creepy and I won’t do it.) I could prob dig these up if you’d like ’em. The animal heads, anyway. Whether or not I can find the giant flower dress is a bit more dicey! Good luck with the surgery. 🙂
I am so sorry about the tubes – I hope you are doing ok this morning and you and sweet ruthie have a good rest of the day!!! Now onto that pattern – HAHAHAHAHAHA, love your remix of it… was the coverup robe and button up shirt included in the pattern – those are great staples in my book ;o)
Great ugly pattern! I agree there’s almost always something redeemable. Cute dress!
That is the funniest pattern ever! I wonder what was going through the designer’s mind at the time . . .
Good luck with the tubes today. Sometimes I think these things are harder for the moms than they are for the kids!
Thinking of you and baby ruth today!
Very cute little dress, I also like to put pockets on things for my little girl, thinking she will like them. She is usually excited there are pockets, but she doesn’t tend to put things in them unless I remind her. Kids are funny.
I had tubes when I was little; I got them when I was about 2, because my dad didn’t want me to get them sooner. My twin sister got them the same time as me, and we went from not talking to starting to talk. I had to get them replaced when I was about 10, and it didn’t hurt then at all. Good luck with the surgery, and I hope your little girl is back running around soon!
Oh my gosh! That is so funny to think about them looking in a mirror!
Oh my gosh! That is so funny to think about them looking in a mirror!
Ha Ha! The decapitated animal heads do sound creepy!!! (And funny!)
Ha Ha! The decapitated animal heads do sound creepy!!! (And funny!)
Ruth doesn’t talk either right now and we are hoping that the tubes are going to help! Thank you for sharing your story!
PS—Grace likes pockets to—on everything but then she doesn’t use them either….
Ruth doesn’t talk either right now and we are hoping that the tubes are going to help! Thank you for sharing your story!
PS—Grace likes pockets to—on everything but then she doesn’t use them either….
bwahhhahahahhahah! That pattern is.awe.some. I’m kinda disapponted you didn’t make a tulip bra for your baby, but I guess the dress is pretty cute 🙂
STOP IT!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
Best wished for Ruth!! We had to get tubes in and tonsils and adenoids removed at the same time. Warning: a toddler waking from anesthesia can be a bit mean and crazed.
oh my gosh…laughing so hard! I love the velociraptor face and that original pattern? Straight up crazy. Good luck with the tubes!
Ohmy goodness, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse than the Easter bunny tie shirt you pull out 2 tulips on a shoestring bikini!! You sure did cute it up! Ruth looks more like her big sis everyday. Hope the tubes went well and you are all home recuperating!!
Liz, you crack me up! I love the tulip pocket, great job. Hope that Ruth is doing well and that you had a good doctor for the surgery!
Liz, you crack me up! I love the tulip pocket, great job. Hope that Ruth is doing well and that you had a good doctor for the surgery!
And there you have it. Brilliant Liz. For the record, I laughed for a good 5 minutes!
Oh wow, that pattern! The tulip bra thins is hilarious!!! You did great with it:). I hope everything went well with the surgery today!
Velociraptor. haha! I totally lost it there! Such a surprising and appropriate descriptor! (But how can she still look so cute roaring??) The dress turned out beautifully. Love how you wrote up this post too. Hope everything’s going well tonight at the hospital. 🙂
My favorite photo is the velociraptor one-LOL. She is absolutely adorable.
I saw that everything went well with her ear tubes on FB. I am so glad for you all.
It is really scary to see your little one be put under. I freaked out and sobbed uncontrollably when my little one needed an MRI. Gah. So rough on us, and she didn’t remember a thing.
I couldn’t find an ugly (enough) pattern, yet, but I did find a pattern for MC Hammer pants for kids!!
I am so very tickled by it. I am going to sew it up (making a few adjustments because it is too large for my youngest and too small for my oldest), and work out the kinks.
Ahaha how could you not make her baby tulip pasties?! 😉 Love the velociraptor face!
Saw your fb post, I’m all nervous now for Nicole to be put under next month (ok I totally was already nervous) for a sleep dentistry appt… she needs caps on all her bottom molars and she has panic attacks in the dental chair so sleep dental it is. She’s pretty emotional so I wouldn’t be shocked if she woke up fighting now that you’ve mentioned it!
I love the velociraptor face. My little one makes a similar face and it just makes me giggle.
I know exactly what you mean when you said that not your kiddo does this everyday so its scary as all get out. I think all moms feel that way when their kiddo is going through something medical like this. My little miss was up and running like her energetic little self the next day. I hope its the same for your little Ruth!
That first pattern picture is hilarious. LOVE your improved version. 🙂
Liz! Am late checking in, so hoping your little Ruth’s procedure went perfectly and that she’s all comfortable and good now? Where do you FIND your crazy patterns? They’re a hoot! And am I the only one who thinks the fine print is the funniest bit? This one reads, “Towels not included” because, yeah, you’d want them if you were wearing the itty bitty tulip bikini. That said, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the pattern cover (when I’d recovered from rolling about, guffawing, I mean) was, “Hey! Mermaid bra! Change tulips to seashells and add mermaid tail!”
I have two shoe boxes of ugly patterns I deemed too ugly to redeem. Going to have to go thru them now… will probably pick something less than unredeemanble and just blog it…
But I can tell you what that boy is saying! Hey! Are those booblets?
And she’s saying, Ooh the horror!
oh my goodness, I was dying laughing over that tulip top!!! How did I not know you were running this ugly Series?! So happy to be able to read blogs again! This is FABULOUS!!! ANd PS – Ruth got so big! Such a cutie!!!
Yes, Ruth is so big and adorable. I don’t see velociraptor at all – it’s all cuteness!! And I love what you came up with – that pattern is bad, really bad.
Okay seriously, that tulip “thing” is hilarious! I wonder how many little girls actually wore it back then?! This is such a great series!
Oh my goodness. I’m still giggling. What an insane pattern. Love how you saved it. She looks just precious.
Ack! That tulip top is too much. I am so in love with this series.
OMG! the tulip… can’t. stop. laughing.
Oh my gosh! I hope all goes well with Ruth!! I have absolutely no idea what it is for, but I am sure it is for the best! you can do it mama, you’re incredible & strong <3
I was SO convinced you would go with the robe, but love the way you redeemed this monstrosity in the end 🙂