Hello everybody.
I just wanted to put up a quick post to update you on Ruth.
Thank you for all the comments and the emails.
We had a rough night last night…and one of her ear is oozing blood so we are just sitting here trying to keep comfortable until she can see the doctor. (Right now she is working on unloading my thread jar.)
Have any of you had little ones with tubes and bloody ears?
(Please someone say yes, and that it was normal….)
We get to go to the doctors soon and so that will make me feel better after we see him.
Then today is pi day!
So HAPPY PI day!
On the way home from the doctors I think I’ll pick us up a pie….
In just a minute (literally) we’ll have another Ugly Pattern Remake to share…and it’s a good one so watch for that.
So sorry =( That sounds painful =( Poor thing. I hope she is better quickly!
I really hope she feels better soon! We havn’t dealt with tubes before but I have 2 really good friends that have and it’s worked out just fine!
oh goodness that does not sound good, but im glad your headed to the doctors. hang in there. thanks for the update, ive been thinking about the two of you:)
Poor little thing and poor mama worrying! My little one had tubes put in her ears and it made all the difference in our life. The first year and 1/2 was somewhat a blurr and miserable with so many infections. I do recall some blood with the tubes…drainage…now and then. I was like you… I just packed it in and went to the doctor for answers. Good luck to you and Ruthie.
I’m pretty sure Bean had bloody discharge. Both of my boys had tubes. Hugs mama.
oh no, hope ruth feels better! enjoy your pie!
Oh sheesh this freaks me out – I just made an appointment for tuesday with an ENT for my boy. We never fought ear infections until we moved here to Dallas and have now had them non stop. Poor Ruthie, so hope she feels better soon. Luvs!
I don’t have any experience to offer, but sending some prayers and hugs your way!!
Oh no! Sorry you are having to deal with this. I don’t have experience with this, but i’m sending you big hugs.
I hope your day turned out okay yesterday with Ruth… I had those problems when I was younger; bloody eardrums and tubes. Just some encouragement, I’m just fine with no hearing loss.
My son had bloody discharge from his ears while he had grommets (I am guessing that is the Aussie version of tubes) the skin had started to grow over them and they had to be removed. Before they worked out the problem though they kept telling me he had an ear infection and that the grommets had fallen out, when we went back to see his ENT (we live an hour and half away, had to wait for his regular appointment) they recognised it straight away. He is 13 now and doesn’t need grommets anymore 🙂