I read this today.
It says better than I can the thoughts that I’ve had floating around in my brain these past few days.
It’s from one of my favorite homemaking gurus: Sarah Ban Breathnach.
“Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed by outside circumstances—worries about money, concern over a sick family member, or anxiety…instinctively I turn to homegrown rituals to restore my equilibrium. There is an immediate emotional and psychological pay off to getting our houses in order. We might not be able to control what’s happening externally in our lives but we can learn to look to our own inner resources for a sense of comfort that nurtures and sustains. I have even noticed that there is a direct correlation between the days when I’m feeling depressed and the days when the house is in disarray. I suspect that I am not alone. “It’s not the tragedies that kill us,” Dorthy Parker once observed, “it’s the messes.””
This morning I am having a yard sale.
This afternoon I will write out a plan of attack for the reorganization of my home.
Yes…I am really and truly writing out a plan…in a 3 ring binder…no, I’m not kidding.
I refuse to be killed.
Awesome plan – I too notice that the state of my house can directly affect my mood – particularly the laundry! Good luck with the yard sale! ~Suzanne
that is so me! the hubby always says that i am a total crank when the house is a mess. why yes i am. and i love the total organizing thing. im sure you follow i heart organizing already but if not its a must read:) good luck today!
Thanks for this. I absolutely feel the same way!
I think that’s so true. Thank you for sharing!
It’s a great plan for getting the house back. I’m still trying to fly along, but maybe it’ll help you.
so do you ever get immune to the messes? or maybe it’s suppressing the feelings that go along with it?
Oh gosh, we moved a little while ago and I feel like my house is in total disarray. II would love to make a binder to reign things in… I too feel like the state of my house, affects my state of mind.
Oh I need my life back and a clean house. The next question is how not to be upset when my daughter makes a mess. 😉