Do you ever go through periods where things don’t turn out quite like you planned?
Days where your plans start out great but then you find yourself looking around and wondering what the heck is going on?
When you have all these great ideas but somehow things get all tangled and you can’t remember why you thought your ideas were all that great in the first place?
When your game is off? No matter how hard you try or how sensible your shoes are?
Well…I’m going through one of those times lately.
I’m trying but things just keep getting mixed up or going all together wrong.
Like the other day….
I teach preschool. (It’s fun…I have a little classroom here at my house with it’s own entrance and I love it….anyways.) Preschool is about to start when I have the idea to bring the high chair down for Ruth to sit in instead of teetering around on a preschool chair.
Good idea right?
Sure, that’s what I thought. BUT while I am running down the stairs carrying the high chair over my head (hurrying to set it up before the kids arrive) the top of the chair catches the door jamb causing the foot rest to ram right into my forehead leaving me with a giant idiot mark and a headache.
Or how about that evening at the fabric store…
There I was with 6 different rolls of netting that I needed cut.
Patiently I waited in line but the lady at the cutting counter was oh so very slow.
As I waited and waited and waited I noticed that the lady behind me only had 1 little roll of trim to cut and there I was with my stack.
I asked her what the trim was for.
A skirt.
She was buying trim for a skirt.
When it was my turn I asked if she would like to go ahead of me since she only had that trim and I had 6 different items that needed to be cut.
I thought that would be a nice thing to do and would appreciate someone doing the same for me—especially considering the speed of that poor woman at the cutting counter.
Yes, I thought it would be a nice thing to do.
Nice schmice.
The lady said she would really appreciate it.
Then she proceeded to have her trim cut THEN she called over her husband (where he’d been hiding out I’ll never know) who had an ENTIRE CART FULL of fabric, lining, leather, and trims that she needed. And had cut…very slowly.
Over 30 minutes later I was able to step up to the counter to have my netting cut.
True Story.
And then there was that night last week with my sister in law when we went to go buy some new running clothes. It was one of those clothes party things at someones house.
(Someone we didn’t know by the way…my sister in law just loves the clothes, we heard about the party and went.)
So there I am in a strangers house trying on athletic wear when I become hopelessly lodged in a sports bra.
Hopelessly lodged.
It had all these straps and criss crossy things…one arm was crushed against my ear and something was covering my eyes. I’m flailing around like fish in a mouse trap (whatever the heck that would look like) and all I can think about is how humiliating it is going to be when I have to bust my way out of the bathroom and have people I’ve never met pry this bra off of my half naked body.
Fortunately after some ninja moves (and a girl waiting for her turn in the bathroom asking if I was “OK in there”) I fought my way out of the sport bra web of doom and made a quick exit from the party….with out any new running gear.
Want more?
I’ve got them.
But this post is getting long and I think you get the point.
It’s been a wacky couple of weeks…
but I know that eventually, things will get straightened out and I’ll be off and running again.
(And hopefully, not running into anything!)
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
oh you poor thing…but i cant help but laugh at your sports bra moment. sorry! and that woman at the fabric counter needs a lesson in manners, how rude! hang in there, big hugs!
oh liZ. Ok – first off. I am all up in arms with righteous indignation over that woman in the fabric store. How dare she accept your offer, when she knew full well the only reason you were offering is because you thought she only had a small bit of trim to cut. That was just rude. I have gotta give it to you for standing there and being patient, I would have been really upset.
Secondly, I am probably one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet. So I can totally relate to your high chair accident. Ouch, and I am so sorry!
And lastly, just for $hits & giggles…imagine what that woman must have been thinking standing outside the bathroom – HA! I hope you put in a couple of appropriate *groans* or *grunts* when you were trying to take that sports bra off! Lol
Thanks so much for sharing, and you are not alone. I have been having an ‘interesting’ few weeks of one horrible sewing project after the next myself.
Hope yours get better!
Awesome post!
I have gasped, been totally aghast and smiled (well LOL actually)
You are right though we seem to get a run of these things and then it all magically straightens itself out.
Don’t hate me or anything but I having some smooth sailing (touch wood)over here right now.
I know it won’t last so I’m enjoying it while I can 🙂
That’s so mean!!! Why would someone do something like that? I’m terrible and have no patience. I’ve left the store if the cutting line is too long. (Totally shooting myself in the foot, I know.) On the upside, that’s a darling yellow dress!
Oh my goodness I totally get it!! It seems like days like that all happen in bunches too ~ That lady at the fabric store was soooo rude!!
First story–ouch-so sorry that happened! Did any money end up in the swear jar? (Or is that only if our kids hear it? I know your thinking “BAD mom!”) Second story–I think I may have had to say something to that woman–completely dishonest and rude! Last story–don’t follow your sister in law to any more of those parties! And as far as not running into anything–it looks like you will also be running WITHOUT a sports bra! You are always lots of laughs. Hope things look up!
Hang in there… can only get better. Hope things look up soon. If not, you have some great stories.
Sometimes I think we need some sort of WD-40 that smooths out all the crunchy areas in our life. Either that or a magic wand. There are some people I could ‘stupefy’ or ‘confundus’ all day long.
I can’t believe that lady at the fabric counter did that! How rude!!! I can’t imagine what goes on in some people’s heads…
Loved your stories, glad I’m not the only one who has those kind of things happen to me! Somehow they are funnier when they didn’t happen to you! Hope things get better. 🙂 And you had way more patience than I would have had at that cutting counter!!!
Oh my…you poor thing. Things will turn around! Today, I’m sure of it!
This is like my life- I don’t think I’m super clumsy but I always mess something up when I’m in a hurry (which is pretty much all the time)- I’ve got a huge bruise from the car door when I hurried to get in after snapping a picture, I’ve hit my head on the roof of my car too many times to count getting Ansley buckled in, and I’ve gotten stuck in clothes and hoping I won’t rip or tear something and end up having to buy something that obviously doesn’t fit. Hugs to you! PS can’t believe the lady at the cut counter. Seriously. One time I was in line at the check out counter and Ansley was throwing (another) epic tantrum and I had one item pay for and the lady in front of me who was probably a grandma had several sheets of scrapbook paper that had to be rung up individually and a bunch of other items and was probably writing out a check and the whole store got to listen to the screaming. HA.
Thanks…I needed a good laugh today and your narrative totally did it. The other day I was helping my 6 yr old play the lawn game where two golf balls are tied together by string and you toss it, can’t remember the name of that one, but anyway we were both holding one golf ball to to show her how to swing it and we threw it underhand. I let go at the appropriate time, but she didn’t. It came back around and the remanining golf ball hit me right between the eyes. I walked away with a bruised ego and a sweet idiot mark myself. good times.
What a fun read! Sorry your week is going crazy! The woman in the cutting line had a set up didn’t she? LOL She looks like the poor lady with one thing and then calls over her cart full of goods! Tsk, Tsk! Hoping your next week goes a lot better.
Oh, I’m sorry! But you had me laughing! Let me share my horror story at the cutting table. As the sweet lady is cutting my fabric my 4 year old said, “Stupid *itch!” I don’t even know where he learned that! We don’t talk that way! The lady gave me a look of horror and I was so embarrassed! I hope you have a better week. Things have to get better, right?
aww… we’ve all had those kinds of weeks! Hope yours gets better soon!
Haha, okay, your sports bra story really made me laugh. Before I give you one back in the spirit of commiseration, I’ll say I think it was incredibly rude of the woman not to turn you down on your offer to let her go first. If someone offers to let me go first, unless I’m honestly in a huuuuuge hurry for a really good reason, or if they have a huge cart and I have one or two items, I decline with my thanks… because it just seems like common courtesy to not be a butt, you know??
Ok so on to commiseration. I had bought a victoria’s secret shaper/shapewear corset and it had hook and eye openings up the back and there was no way I was going to get into it that way by myself. There was some stretch to it so I decided I would try get it on over my head. I got about halfways and felt well and truly stuck, my arms lodged above my head and well and truly jammed in this simple black corset. I can still feel the surge of pure panic, surety that I was going to die that way, mild touch of amusement at my own idiocy, and mortification at the idea of having to ask my husband to rescue me and never.ever.ever hear the end of it.
Once I pulled myself together, my (damaged)pride managing to beat out my survival instinct, I did manage to wriggle the rest of the way into the thing. But let me tell you… my heart was pounding with the adrenaline surge of that “I’m going to die this way” moment for at least half an hour!