Mother Teresa
Everyday I look in the Skirting the Issue Flickr Group to see another skirt added here and a few more skirts added there. Then we will receive an email from some wonderful woman who has organized a sewing group and tells us about the plans they have in their area. Later in the day I’ll stop at the post office to find that we have a package (like the one pictured above from our sweet friend Jessica) full of skirts from another lovely seamstress.
Thank you.
Elizabeth and I could have never done this project alone—we couldn’t have reached the girls that will be helped by you across the country—from Texas to Michigan and from California to Florida or even here at home in Utah.
Our goal was 100 skirts. As of today we have over 300 donated.
And it is all because of you. Sharing the beauty that you create in your own homes/apartments/condos/basements one skirt at a time.
We can’t do it by ourselves but all together we make a pretty amazing group.
If we all just “feed” one person think of all the good we can do!
Ps—I’ve received several emails in the past few days asking about when Skirting the Issue will officially be over. You have until August 10th to upload the photos of the skirts you are donating and be eligible for the prizes from our great sponsors. (But that doesn’t mean you have to stop then…you can continue share your talents with girls who can use love through out the year. Heaven knows they could use it.)
I love that photo. Seriously, how do you do that?! You have such a great eye. I am so happy this has been such a great success, you guys have done a good thing.
– Well done, good and faithful servant.
Hope you are both having a great weekend!