Over the weekend I realized that I have never shared this dress.
I made it as one of my final projects in the pattern drafting class that Elizabeth and I took winter semester.
Back when I started sewing I was learning to make various quilt squares. (Which I enjoyed.) But it wasn’t until I started sewing for Grace that I fell in love.
I have so much fun sewing for and dressing up my Grace.
(Sometimes I wonder if I’m making up for all that time during my childhood that I played He-Man and G.I. Joe instead of playing with dolls.)
Maybe it’s the art major in me but I love choosing colors that will accentuate her features and styles that will compliment her tiny frame. Every time I get to sew I feel like I’m working on the most entertaining 3 Dimensional art project I could imagine. It’s the perfect marriage for me of design and my kids. Right now I can’t think of a better hobby for myself.
Sewing is so just so much fun…the colors, the textures, the patterns, the possibilities, the outcomes.
Anyone else feel like me or am I crazy?
If I am crazy, I guess I’ll just blame it on He-Man because when I finish something that turns out the way I hoped it would I do feel like the Master of the Universe!
In unrelated news:
When we went to take photos today Grace saw that the mountain right above our house was on fire.
It was scary.
But after Simon pointed out the fact that if we get evacuated we can all sleep over at Grandma’s house the fire didn’t seem so scary.
Especially when she thought about the silliness of all of us sleeping in the same bed.
Oh how I love this girl.
(And oh how I wish that all the fears that she will face in life will be this easy to remedy.)
Have a good Tuesday…and send happy thoughts my way hoping that we don’t get evacuated!
I think every parent wishes they could protect their children from the big bad and scaries of life, but you have given the best shield of all…your love.
This is a beautiful wee dress with a gorgeous model; love it!
Beautiful girl in a beautiful dress!
Wow! That dress is darling! And your daughter looks so precious:)
If you’re crazy than I am to. Sewing is an art for me. The process of picking colors and putting things together. I feel like a mad scientist when I sew sometimes. And once I get an idea, I can’t stop thinking about it until I create it.
Yowza! That dress and those pictures are amazing! You have one absolutely gorgeous girl on your hands! And… ugh! Fears… I’m prone to anxiety and try my hardest to stifle and and not pass that on to my kiddos. But my 4-year-old already is so sensitive and anxious. Parenting is HARD! I’ll just try to picture everyone sleeping in one bed, and that will help. 🙂
Yes!!! I’m currently taking a wardrobe building sewing class and I just made the same comment – that it was when I started sewing for my daughter is when I fell in love – you put it perfectly! I feel like I’m doing my own little project runway – from sketching and planning out my ideas, to picking out fabric, to figuring out how to sew the design. It is definitely the way to express myself artisically.
Grace’s dress is adorable and so is she!!
That is such a beautiful dress! And I love the way it looks on your daughter. It is art. =)
Really sweet dress. I LOVE peach! I sure hope you didn’t get evacuated!
lovely girl, lovely vintage dress. hoping you and yours stay safe 🙂
haha! You must live near me! The mountain behind our home was on fire too. Luckily, it went the other direction. Thank heaven for our firefighters this year! Darling dress too! I can’t believe you made that…it turned out great!
What a darling dress! Hope you and your family (and home) are safe.
So stinkin’ cute.
Love the dress and Grace is a doll!
Completely agree….sewing for my boys is my happy place.
Kind of like the old woman in Patch Adams who got to swim in the pool of noodles.
Oh this is just gorgeous. That light peach is just the perfect shade for her coloring. Love the combination of the peter-pan collar & pleats on the front of the skirt.
that is stinking gorgeous! I love the color and big collar!! Such an adorable dress for an adorable gal!
Where can I get the pattern? This is totally adorable!