So I made another caftan dress. This time in cotton, with neckhole bias facings, finished sleeves, a cute drawstring detail….but
Houston, there’s a problem.
She HATES it. Yep. Totally HATES.
I thought it would be so cool and comfortable for summer. Loose, flowy, and cool…..but nope. She has clearly stated that she is NEVER wearing it again. She only likes the knit one. {Which she has worn almost every other day…..she says it’s better than a nightgown.}
Fine. I guess I can’t win in every sewing project I make.
Any one else with this problem?
PS I have one more caftan project in the works….the last one is again for me and then I promise I will stop. Next week perhaps?
Well I think it’s adorable but we’re all born with our own tastes and apparently she knows hers! =)
Even my daughter (18 months) has an opinion. No yellow, no brown, no blue. Only pink. Their taste changes so fast– I’m sure she’ll love it next week!
I’m not looking forward to my daughter getting an opinion. She’s just started talking so I’m sure I’ll be doomed soon!
And I love your fabric choice!
it looks great, sometimes i have same problem with my little girl, she won’t wear everything i sew for her, grrrrr….
I think it looks comfy! I wonder if she’d like it as a swimsuit coverup?