274 West Center Street
Orem, UT 84057
Utah, Salt Lake Region
5296 South Commerce Drive, #400
Murray, UT 84107
Is there a need for certain sizes over others?
The agency assures us that there are girls of all ages in Foster care (both locally and nationally) and any and all skirts will be greatly loved and appreciated.
Our local agency has specifically said that they have a need for tween and teenage girls skirts. So, while we are definately making some little girls’ skirts, we will definately remember those older girls too!
Are there sizing charts available?
YES! We have done our best to put together a sizing chart with general waist measurements and waist-to-knee measurements for girls up to size 14 as well as a teen/ junior sizing chart too. They will be up at Project Run and Play tomorrow.
One thing we do ask—-PLEASE LABEL THE SIZE OF THE SKIRT YOU ARE MAKING! You do NOT need to have fancy labels (I am planning on safety pinning a cardstock tag with a note and size) but it will be much easier to distribute the skirts if they are sized. So, thank you in advance to labeling them.
How are you keeping track of skirts donated?
This is also a pretty important piece of information. We have created a specific Flickr group just for “Skirting the Issue” and we will use this to keep track of skirts that are donated. And because there are prizes for you for donating skirts (our sponsors are the best) we will use the photos in the flickr group to draw for prizes as well.
You will see this button on the right-hand sidebars of both blogs, so it should be pretty easy to find.

Rules for the Flickr Group:
1. Please ONLY put in pictures of the skirts you are donating to this flickr group. If you have a tutorial you would like to share (and we would LOVE to see them) please add those the the Simple Simon and Co Flickr group or the Project Run and Play Flickr Group.
2. ONE photo per skirt in the Skirting the Issue Flickr Group. That way we can keep track of exactly how many skirts are being donated (because we would LOVE to smash our goal out the window!)
3. Please make sure that there is a way to contact you in there somewhere (email, blog link, etc) so if your skirt is drawn…we can get you your prize!
And, pease don’t be offended if we delete multiple pictures of the same skirt (or we will email you and ask if there are two alike), we really just want to keep accurate numbers. There are no rules about how to photograph the skirts….just so long as we can see the skirt…that will be perfect!
What are the prizes about?
Ok, we know that all of you are making and donating skirts out of the generosity of your own good natures (and because you are all just. plain. awesome) but we wanted there to be some fun prizes along the way. So, every so often we will randomly pick a skirt in the Flickr group to win a prize. And there are some good ones coming……hold that thought until tomorrow, and head to Project Run and Play to see more about the goodness.
A HUGE (and I am talking HUGE) thanks to our sponsors for donating some amayyyyzing prizes (wait til you see the grand-daddy of them all tomorrow!) and for their support.
And yes, we are still accepting prizes. If you have an Etsy shop, or fabric shop, or notions, or patterns, or something else sewing-related (or otherwise cool) we would love to include it in a prize giveaway. The only requirement is that it does need to be at least $25 dollars in value.
If I have a local contact for an Agency, where do I send it?
PLEASE, please add it into the comments of this post. Then we can keep the list for everyone to use and see!
Thanks again everyone….. it’s now officially time to sew!!!!!! We can’t wait to see what all of your creative minds come up with!
DO we need to use one of the tutorials shared? or can we go ahead and use our own patterns? When I read that you need skirts for tweens and teen I knew exactly what I woudl make. THose exposed elastic skirts are popular with girls I teach (similar to circle skirts but less full). ANd luckily I just stockpiled elastic!!
You are welcome to use any skirt tutorial/pattern you would like!
The more the merrier!
You are welcome to use any skirt tutorial/pattern you would like!
The more the merrier!
Is it okay to send my skirts to some local foster girls I know?
I have spoken with a lovely woman from a foster care agency in Fort Wayne, IN who said they would be thrilled to receive any skirts! Here is the info, or anyone in Northeastern Indiana is welcome to contact me and we can group our efforts!
Phoenix Institute
2312 Lake Ave Ste D
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
So excited about this, ladies! What a beautiful way to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
Okay I’m totally excited abou this! Can I suggest another agency? Also can I post a link to this on facebook?
Well now. Aren’t you girls just about a Hundred Shades of Awesome?! This is really cool. Thanks for setting this up.
Yes! We want to have everyone make a difference locally…so donate away to any place you know. Just please take a picture of the skirt (or skirts idividually) and upload them to the Flickr group so that you will be eligible for the prizes (and so we can keep an accurate count) before you donate them.
And please post it to Facebook—we would LOVE to have everyone know about it!
Thanks for your support!
Yes! We want to have everyone make a difference locally…so donate away to any place you know. Just please take a picture of the skirt (or skirts idividually) and upload them to the Flickr group so that you will be eligible for the prizes (and so we can keep an accurate count) before you donate them.
And please post it to Facebook—we would LOVE to have everyone know about it!
Thanks for your support!
Is there a link to find local agencies taking donations?
I heard on the radio yesterday that you can take any clothing donations for foster care in northern CA in to any SleepTrain store, and they’ll pass them along to the appropriate people. I know this isn’t as direct as donating straight to foster care, but it removes the hard part of trying to find out where to donate. Their drive goes through July 22nd. Just thought I’d pass the info along. 🙂 You can see more info on that here: http://www.sleeptrain.com/local-foster-kids.aspx
In the DFW area, you can send skirts to:
ACH Child and Family Services
ATTN: Tina Casey
3712 Wichita Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
ACH has a clothes closet that they’ll add the skirts to. Foster kids can go in there and get new clothes whenever they need them.
If you are in the Kansas City area, MFCAA (Midwest Foster Care and Adoption Association) will also be glad to take skirts for their Clothes Closet.
The address is 3210 Lee’s Summit Road, Independence, MO 64055
Im a senior newbie & teaching myself to sew small and easy articles. being a loner have no one to give to? What better then to a sweet child with a smile when she gets an item. I’d like to make purses etc too if the organizations okay them??
When is the deadline?
We just received several skirts this week and they are sooooo cute! We know that the girls who receive them are going to LOVE them! Thank you so much!
Sorry I’m so late with this, but here’s a great site to help find local foster agencies! http://www.fosterkidsareourkids.org/what-you-can-do
Our mission is to brighten the lives of Foster Children all over the state of New Jersey.
We do this in a lot of ways! For example…
Right now we’re hosting a toy drive so foster children all over New Jersey will have plenty of presents under their tree.
New Jersey Foster Kids
Are you going to be doing this again? I would love to join again!!!!