Oh…and FYI cut down the lines with your scissors and not your rotary cutter or else you’ll go right though the shirt.Then just wash and wear. (They look wayyyyy cuter after they have been washed once.)ORIf you prefer your 80’s T-shirts fringed all you need to do is repeat the first step from above (removing the hems and ribbing) then:
and then:
Now it’s ready to be washed and worn.
Unless you’re feeling funky then you can:
And that’s that.
The beads are Gracie’s favorite part of the shirt.
And I think even though I said this would be my last crazy t-shirt post for awhile that I’m going to make her just one more fringed shirt.
The thing is when I made her that Fringed Skirt I was talking about my “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” fringed shirt (which I loved sooooo much and wore everyday in 5th grade) but after I finished making these shirts I remembered the coolest shirt ever…how could I have forgotten it?
I used to have a turquoise shirt with a silhouette of a palm tree on it and then in hot pink graffiti writing it said “Tijuana”. And the whole thing was fringed like this. (I know you’re all jealous. And you should be. It was wicked awesome.) So thinking about that shirt I need to find Grace a T-shirt with a print and then go crazy.
Hummmm what kind of print would be good….There’s sure to be something awesome at Saver’s right? Maybe with the Ninja Turtles or unicorns on it….
(In the future remind me not to write these posts when I’ve only had 4 hours of sleep.)
I was up super early putting in the poll and started laughing by myself at the computer about your “Tijuana” shirt.
That is awesome.
I was up super early putting in the poll and started laughing by myself at the computer about your “Tijuana” shirt.
That is awesome.