I have given myself a challenge for this week….to finish what I have started. Because you see, I have a bin sitting on my sewing table of projects that are incomplete. And. IT. IS. DRIVING. ME. CRAZY.
So, I need to do something about it. And this is the week to do it.
First up on the list was finishing this little romper or jon-jon (what do you can these?). It was almost done. It seriously just need buttonholes, buttons and hemming. And it has been sitting in the bin for months.
So, why wasn’t it done you ask? I don’t have the faintest idea. But, now it is done!
And now, on to the rest of the pile! (It’s pretty big….)
Anyone else up for the challenge?
(Please tell me someone else has a pile like this….so I won’t feel so alone in my craziness.)
You aren’t alone!
I have about 11 projects going right now, I just might take you up on your challenge! =)
Oh I definitely have the pile. Only I’m so unorganized it’s not even in one pile. I wish I could work on it with you this week, bit there’s this one other thing 🙂
I have the same issue. I don’t have a lot of time to sew (only in the evening after both the girls are down for bed) so I try and get everything cut out during their weekend naps. I have a huge pile of cut out projects and I just need to work through them. I am going to take your challenge and try and finish at least two of my waiting projects this week.
I have a pile. Boy, do I have a pile. Every now and then it becomes a different pile. Sometimes it’s a stalemate pile, in that the clothes I cut out for Daughter #1 now no longer fit her, but they will also never fit Daughter #2 or #3 because their body shapes are different. One of the NON advantages of custom drafting 🙁 My most recent pile (that lasted between 9 months for one garment to 2 years for other garments in it) involved alterations. Nothing to finish, per se, because they were all already finished. But had to be UN-finished, then recut and resewn. Ick. But it felt very good to finally do it, and return those lost garments to the respective people’s closets and see them wearing them now. I put ll my WIPs in their own individual shoebox plastic tubs, so when I run out of tubs, I force myself to empty one of them. My feeble theory is that if I can see it (the tubs are transparent) I will feel horrible until they’re finished. It hardly ever works, though. Mostly I wait till I feel so lousy about myself and my procrastinating that I finish one or two of them just to have closure. Hee! Hang in there!
I made this one of my 2012 goals, since I always start everything and take ages to finish. So, yes, I’m with you on this. =)
I have that same pile!! I moved it on to my sewing table to make it a priority this year and here it is April and it is still sitting there!
Me. I have a pile like this. I am in! 🙂
I have a pile like this. Except mine’s a drawer, which is extremely hard to motivate myself to tackle because it’s all tucked neatly away out of sight. But until I can’t close my drawer, the fun projects don’t get bumped in favor of it!! 🙂
That is such a darling romper! I love your style, you always make the cutest things!
I have a big container of unfinished but close projects. Problem is most don’t fit my kids anymore. Hard to get motivated. Sigh, but I need to d it anyway, it’s driving me nuts
I’m working on a quilt that turned into a disaster this past weekend and I want nothing to do with right now – but I am going to finish, darn it!
At least yours has a bin! I just have sewing projects in various stages in several piles on the ironing board, next to my sewing machine, and in the garage. Unfortunately, I have several baby showers to go to in the next couple of weeks so my sewing energies will be spent elsewhere.
It is a great idea. I have a spring top that I started for a sew a long and I haven’t put the sleeves on or hemmed it. I need to get it done!
I have sooo many! I don’t know why either except that baby gifts and other ‘have to do it’ projects keep moving to the front of the pile while my daughter’s projects keep getting shoved back. Then the season changes and I don’t even want to finish it! 🙂 I need to get a few of them DONE this week! Thanks for the challenge!
same to me…. my half done work and waiting list is still long..thank god still in the good mood for sitting in front of my only one portable machine every night although the work done was so slow and to much disturbance from my kids…(they love sewing too :))
I am the queen of unfinished projects 🙂 I love the feeling of getting them done though.
So totally not alone! It’s so funny how I can go headstrong excitedly into a new project only to be thinking about the next, way before I actually wrap it up! Thanks for the inspiration. I can’t declare out loud what I have in my pile because I will be forced to get on with it!!! I will however stop talking about, and get on with my jacket ;-)!!!
Oh I have one basic bodice that has been giving me trouble. It is my first attempt at one. I have had it sitting on my table for a week now. Meaning to start it again, but just avoiding it. I think I will take your challenge and finish it this week.
I am notorious amongst my husband and all our ex-housemates for my unfinished pile. Most times I would have make something, someone would find it and want to wear it out and we would finish it of with safety pins. And they never got finished because the safety pin hem/closures were good enough.
Oh punk rock sewing days.
Now I have a pile of unfinished things. I have a cute purple dress and I KNOW I have the sleeves for it SOMEWHERE. :/
oh, I know those piles! I just went through one and got everything mended and back where it really belongs. The problem is that the piles seem to start building as soon as the other goes away… Not quite sure how it happens (kinda like those missing socks that never make it out of the dryer), but it just does!