Oh my. What can you say about a project like this???
And how did my daughter (who usually looks more like this) end up looking like a bank robbing Easter bunny?
Here’s what happened. Yesterday Grace informed me that she wants to wear a bunny suit on Easter instead of her Easter Dress. So at the end of a long afternoon of me working on my taxes I sat down with her to make said bunny suit. We started (and ended) with the hat.
I pulled out an old grey stocking cap, a broken bunny ear headband, and some scissors and we went to town. With in minutes we were finished with the world scariest bunny hat-mask-atrocity thingy.
I told you it was scary.Shortly after it was finished my husband came home to find Grace running around wearing it along with her Christmas pajamas. He slowly put his work down on the counter and thoughtfully sized up his little girl.
“Well Liz,” he said. ” I think this has to be the worst thing you’ve ever made.”
And then we both burst out laughing…followed by the excessive quoting of these lines:
“He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny.”
“He does not.”
“He does too, he looks like a pink nightmare!”
“Take it off Ralphie, for heaven sakes take it off!”
Unfortunately…someone at our house thinks she looks AWESOME.
And she’s not the only one…
Her big brother thought it was pretty great as well and whole heartedly encouraged the madness.
(He thinks it looks like a “war hat” and would like one too “without the ears”.)
I don’t think I can actually call this a real Craft Fail—it’s too bad for even that. I think it borders on something epic…like in the neighboring realm of electric leg lamps.
Obviously there won’t be any sequels to this project…no rabid reindeer hats or terrible turkey tops…and since I really have nothing else to say and no real way to defend myself I’ll just leave you with one last sobering thought:
VERY serious lapses in judgement.
“Where’s the glue?”
“We’re out of glue.”
“You used all the glue on purpose!”
“Where’s the glue?”
“We’re out of glue.”
“You used all the glue on purpose!”
oh my goodness that is the cutest and funnest thing i have seen in the longest time!
hahahaha! What a funny post! Your daughter is adorable as a Christmas-Easter-Bunny-Bank-Robber 🙂 Have a very Happy Easter!
That is so funny. My first thought was a “war hat” like your son. At least you got a good laugh after having to deal with your taxes, that is never fun. Have a great weekend.
That is awesome. Just awesome. And the movie quote is perfect!
Funniest. post. ever. Period.
(it’s elizabeth)
Funniest. post. ever. Period.
(it’s elizabeth)
Awesome, lol. The things we do for our kids 🙂
This is awesome. Yes. I do think epic is the correct word here.
Epic liZ.
Just laughed myself into a pants wetting asthma attack. Thank you thank you thank you. Ps watch out for those Bumpus hounds!
I’m telling you what: if our kids went to school together we would TOTALLY be friends.
She’s a doll! And I love the hat! hahaha!
Priceless, so cute.
So I sent this post to my husband (who works away from home) and we laughed hysterically over video chat. He loved that the Big Brother wanted a ‘war hat’ like it (without ears). I love the pictures-your daughter has such personality (my daughter would think this hat was tremendous too…and would wear it to church if I let her). We both busted out the movie quotes, like I’m sure you and your husband did, and couldn’t help but giggle…
Favorite line ever: “You used all the glue on purpose!”
Thanks for sharing this Epic creation!
You can always reuse it if you decide to rob a bank!
This is all kinds of awesome.
that’s hilarious! Hey, the most important fans and critics are our kids right? So technically you won this round! Crafting is like cooking. 5 star dinner? ew, I am not touching that, it looks gross. Kraft Dinner with octopus-cut hotdogs? BEST THING IN THE WORLD!
Lol. I can’t wait to see Grace running around the neighborhood in that 🙂
Thank you for the great belly laugh…only because I have soooo been there! Many, many times…they just hadn’t invented Blogs yet, so there’s no evidence.
Your daughter is adorable, and yes my son would want one too, minus the ears. :o)