My mom found these awesome wooden spools at a garage sale and brought them to me. Can I tell you how much I adore her?
I am in love with them. The colors, the spools….and really everything about them. I kept pressing her for what more there was at the garage sale that she could have bought—-sewing or notions-wise. But these were it.
Nonetheless an amazing find. Especially for the $4 she paid for them. Thanks mom!
Any amazing sewing deals in your thrifting excursions lately?
I tried to go Monday morning….but came home empty-handed. I was there almost an hour before it opened (I could have sworn I’d been there at 9 am before) and didn’t want to wait around with an 18 month-old in tow. So, I went through the drive-thru on the side….dumped off my stuff (I cleaned closets last week) and left. Boo.
Elizabeth those are the best find ever! Too precious with their colors and vintage nature to even think of ever using. What a great decorative addition to your sewing space and the perfect reminder of times gone by. Lovely.
Those spools of thread are beautiful! Hope you have better luck on your next outing!
Trish @ Uncommon
I love wooden spools! My mom had a collection on the mantle in her sewing room that she got from a very old factory going out of business…I might just have to ask her for those. My SIL out in UT finds tons of old, but good quality, fabric at yard sales. It’s usually someone who inherited their mom’s sewing stuff but doesn’t sew themselves. She got a bag of velvet for a couple of $s recently. She also gathers up the lace and trims. Always slightly jealous when she finds something like that. I’ve never had the luck.
Aren’t moms the best?! Those are gorgeous…
I visited with family back in my hometown this past weekend, and I found a giant box of patterns from the 1960’s to 1990’s in storage. I brought home some of my favorites.
I was also given an old metal Star Mercerized Sewing Cotton display case. My husband’s aunt passed it along to me, but it originally came from his grandmother. I’ve been trying to find one just like it online, but I haven’t come across it yet. My mother-in-law has one just like it, too. I’m now trying to clean mine up in hopes of actually using it to store my spools of thread.
Oh, and I almost forgot, even though they aren’t for sewing, I found a giant box of old Barbie clothes that were mine. My daughter is so excited she now gets to play with them, too!
BTW, love the wooden spools! Seems like I have seen some similar in my grandmother’s old stash of stuff. I’ll need to search through all her things again soon to see what I come up with!
Holy cow….you guys have found some amazing stuff! I want to go thrifting with you all….
Holy cow….you guys have found some amazing stuff! I want to go thrifting with you all….
Those are fabulous … what a score! They make me want to hit the thrift store tomorrow.