This week I’ve been working on Facet No.2: Ambition.
Here’s the report…
Every day this week I’ve had in the back of my mind….be ambitious…be ambitious…be ambitious.
This has been good and bad.
Good in that I’ve started a lot of projects, brainstormed some great ideas, and have tried to take advantage of every spare minute.
Bad in that I’ve started a lot of projects that I haven’t finished and I’ve been running around like a crazy person and wearing myself out—literally.
Soooooo…here’s what I think.
I’m going to work on ambition again this week but this time I’m going in with a plan. I like lists. (Always have.) And this week I will be bringing them back. Sunday I will write the list of what I plan to accomplish for the week. Then each morning when I start my day I will choose the items from the list that I need to accomplish before bedtime.
I’m thinking this will help me control my side that tends to get carried away (a side that hijacks my more reasonable side more often than I’d like to admit) and give me some direction helping me to more efficiently accomplish what I’d like to get done.
We’ll see how it goes.
Also—this week I’ve been thinking about where ambition comes from—more specifically where my ambition comes from. Some of my motivation is obvious but other things I am driven to do (or not to do) I’m not so sure about. So I’ll keep thinking.
Meanwhile….what motivates you? Where does your drive come from?
What homemaking chores are you ambitious about and what others do you avoid? Why?
And how do you harness your ambition to accomplish your goals with out wearing yourself out?
i have a hard time folding the clothes and emptying the dishwasher. i started watching my favorite trashy shows (while the kids are sleeping) to help me get through them…it works great! it is hard to get yourself motivated to do something that you dislike. i have also found that if the dishes sit in the sink it drives me nuts, thus giving me a bad tude. so i just take the time to put them them in the dishwasher which takes about 10 seconds anyways. then i have a much better tude:) i dont have a super clean house i just want a clean house. mess makes me crazy! love these posts!
List making has made my life more focused. Now to stop adding new things to the list.
I am driven more towards organizational tasks such as switching from winter to spring clothes in the girls closet and organizing it. Everyday tasks like dishes and sweeping are harder for me to get motivated to do. I think that I know the closet will stay organized longer than the dishes will stay clean so I feel like I have accomplished more. When I just can’t seem to get motivated an extra cup of coffee or occasional a five hour energy shot helps. I also try to remember that when the house is clean I am always in a better mood than when it is messy.
Having said all that it is almost 8 pm and I am still in my pjs and my sink is full of dirty dishes.
I really have to work on my drive to clean and organize my house. I am a stay at home mom and I hate cleaning and organizing. The things I hate most is doing the dishes and folding the clothes. I think in some ways I hate house work because it is always there in my face. I don’t leave the house for work so my work is always in my face. Really funny as it is, one way I drive myself to clean is to have two play dates a month at my house. That makes me clean if I know I am having people over. Then there are just times when I get in that crazy mood to clean and organize. when that hits I try to do as much as I can. I am just cursed such love that I have the attitude that as long as the house is some what clean I am cool. 🙂
I am always, always, most motivated when I have too little time to get things done. This applies both at work and at home. I have a big deadline at work coming up in two weeks, and now, after being a huge procrastinator for two months, I’m getting so much done. I’m sewing more, running more, playing with the kids more, and working more. I’m taking advantage of every minute because I have to. There is no alternative. If I have a spare moment I make sure to use it either to clean something or put something away. I fully expect this fantastic ambition to die when my work project is completed and I will then return to my more lazy ways. 🙂
Ok, the increase in sun time also helps tremendously. I love the sun.