I am sharing a secret with you today…..I have never made a zipper bag. Ok. There. I have said it. It’s a bit embarrassing, but totally and completely the truth. I have made tote bags, diaper bags, drawstring bags….and although I have put zipper in a lot of other things…I have never made a zippered bag.
And why did no one ever tell me how quick and fun they are? Ok, you probably did, I just wasn’t in the mood to listen.
Well no longer. There will probably be a lot more of these babies in the future.
I had some Riley Blake laminate that was given to me and the night before leaving on a family trip, I decided I needed a new make-up bag. (Yes, I am always that last minute.) So, I cut two out and sewed them up in about an hour.
I roughly used this tutorial to make them (and do.not. be afraid of the zipper…it’s much easier than when I learned to put one in a skirt) from Sew Together (great blog to read if you aren’t already), but I added gussets in the bottom to hold more makeup. The only other thing I added was two small pieces on either ends of the zipper, because my zippers were thrift store finds and super short.
And now to my question for all of you….which has been on my mind for a while now….and I keep forgetting to ask. What sewing/design blogs do you read? I really want to know.
So, what blogs in the sewing/designing/photographing projects do you absolutely adore?
I’ll share my two newest favorites…..because I want to design and sew like this amazing girl at Un Petit Design and sketch, draft and produce like this amazing girl at Thinking in Shapes.
Your turn, who are you loving?
Ummm… hilarious that that was your question because, no joke, when I saw a new Simple Simon post in my feed, I said to myself, “Oh, liZ and Elizabeth, how I adore you!” No excessive flattery intended. 🙂
I also dig Jessica at craftiness is not optional. She makes me smile. 🙂
My reader is chock full of blogs – here’s some that I think might be new to you:
One Little Minute
Sunny Tuesday
French Press Knits
Style by Emily Henderson
and of course A Jennuine Life!
Aside from your blog, I think one of my favorite sewing blogs is MADE, she has a little girl about the same age as mine, and she always has fun easy patterns I can make for her. Most actually require no pattern at all! She also does boys stuff, and she loves all the same CA hotspots I love!
Cute zipper bags!
For the past year I’ve put aside all of my news and commentary blogs and am now much happier with my Happy blogs. Yours is my new favorite (so not brown nosing). I’ve been loyal to Make it Love it with Ashly and Dana’s MADE. (These are my 3 favorites, they are consistent, professional, unique and VERY informative).I also read Ruffles and Stuff, Centsational Girl, No Big Dill, and sometimes check out A Lemon Squeezy Home. I’m really careful not to follow too many because then it’s creative overload and everything starts to blend. Thanks for asking!
un petit design is fabulous! I stumbled across her thanks to your link party at PR&P. I will have to check out the other blog you are shouting out!
Very cute zippered clutches. I rarely make them myself, but am always so thankful when I do! Fabric is fantastic!
Great job with the bags! I’ve never sewn a zippered bag either- or a zippered anything. It’s my one new year’s resolution. hahaha. Besides your blog, I follow a lot of awesome blogs- Craftiness is not Optional, Design Esquire, Emily A. Clark, Gertie’s Blog for Better Sewing, Grosgrain (love all of her older sewing projects- the more recent stuff is mainly inspirational), MADE, Kristina J., Made by Me Shared with You, Make it and Love it, Me Sew Crazy, Noodlehead, No Big Dill, Prudent Baby, The Red Balloon Photography, Ruffles and Stuff- to name a few.. . . .
The sewing blogs I read are you and Make It and Love It. I had cut down, blog reading was taking too much time. Other crafty/design blogs I read are Design Mom, Flamingo Toes and Not Just a Housewife.
Anna from Noodlehead has quite a few super duper cute zippered bag/wallet tutorials. I make her gathered clutch pattern whenever I need a cute little gift, and I even adjusted the measurements to make it into a diaper clutch.
A couple other people have said Made, and I agree with them. Dana has a bunch of great stuff on there.
I love Sew Mama Sew, A Beautiful Mess, Skip to My Lou, Make It and Love It, and Fresh News 🙂 Oh, and of course, Simple Simon!
I follow all the “big names” (Dana, Rae, elsie marley, CINO, etc.) but also really love these smaller but totally awesome mostly-sewing blogs:
Probably Actually
Cirque du Bebe
Fake it While You Make It
Piccoli Piselli
A Little Gray
Trula Kids
I could go on!!
I like
Your blog!
Very purple person
Gerties guide for better sewing
Male pattern boldness
Me sew crazy
The sew weekly
Burdastyle blog.
Refashion coop
We sew retro
Dottie Angel more color inspiration than sewing
I like designing,refashioning, vintage sewing, and sewing for me as well as my girls.
HA, I’ve been sewing for over 20 years and I’ve never actually put in a zipper of any kind. I was afraid. I’ve got a couple of zippers in my stash just screaming to be made into a cute little bag, but I just don’t think I’m ready yet. 🙂