*This giveaway is now closed, please see today’s post for last giveaway.*
Because we love all things vintage and because it is Thrifted Thursday our giveaway today comes from our own personal stashes. The winner of our giveaway will receive this selection of some of our favorite vintage fabrics which includes:
*1 yard of vintage blue and white fabric
*2 fat quarters of vintage floral on white
*3 assorted fat eights (gingham, floral, and Swiss Dot)
To enter to win this pile of our favorite kind of thrifted finds just leave a comment telling us what you keep an eye out for on your thrifting adventures—fabrics, dishes, books, tea cups, etc.—whatever it is that you like to find.
For example, besides vintage patterns and books I buy up all the polyester I can find. Yes, polyester…smelly, old polyester. I can’t help it. I just love it. In fact just yesterday I bought myself a polyester dress, jacket, and shirt at the local thrift store…and I plan to wear all of them…and to post photos of them soon.
So, as I was saying some people collect things like thimbles and ornaments. Me, well I collect wacky fabric and clothing. What is your item of choice?
Dishes, platters, bowls,
I have a basement full of them and smile every time I see them!
I’m kind of bad at thrifting. I tend to look for things to upcycle as my shop rarely seems to have fabric or patterns. I do donate a lot though mostly clothing but I’ve been working on getting ride of patterns that I’m done with lately as well.
I always look for fabric and old sheets- perfect for making muslins or even real clothes! And of course, mens shirts, great for all sorts of refashioning.
Usually fabric, ribbon, trim, and lately oversized clothing especailly shirts…because i’m really into re-fashioning and making cute clothes for the munchkin!
A corner hutch for my china, two red diner chairs, and a sweet vintage cocktail dress for me! Love thrifting. Fun giveaway!
I tend to look for chairs and baskets/containers to help me organize.
im all about thrifting for accessories and furniture these days. although i found a fabulous wool blanket yesturday for $2!! great giveaway:)
old sheets, doilies and furniture – old wooden furnitures – I don’t like the smell of old clothes – but I have found some really nice sheets. Tone
my husband collects albums, so we always look for those!
I have recently began looking for vintage sheets and patterns, and have been surprised by some of the beautiful ones I have found!
Recently, I’ve happened upon candlesticks, material, wooden hoops, silky nightgowns, all things to repurpose for crafting! I love the patterns and vintage material you are giving away! Thank you for parting with things you love!
Always Little Golden Books, the older the better and lately tulip bowls.
I like to look for interesting old furniture (haven’t had too much luck though) and cool, unique items of whatever. Its totally true, one man’s trash is anothers treasure!
I always keep my eye open for vintage patterns (you should see the great score of freebies I got the other day! http://thecraftingfiend.blogspot.com/2011/10/we-have-winner.html) and fabric and buttons – I have an unhealthy obsession with buttons…
i love me a good bargain, especially if i can do something else with it too. but we are not so lucky where i live with thrifty shops. (just finished the Audrey Cape, about to coordinate a pleated skirt, will send you a pic)
bpbajona at maltanet dot net
i love finding books, especially classic children’s books.
I am always on the lookout for old vintage sheets… so many things you can do with them!
When I go thrift shopping, I am always on the lookout for vintage linens, sheets, fabrics, etc. OH and jewelry. And clothes. And shoes. And dishes. Can you see where this gets me into trouble? =)
I am always looking for vintage picture frames. I love making chalk boards with them. I also love sewing. I also would love this give away.
thanks you guys are great!
Baby equipment currently. And upscale baby and toddler clothing. I also look for My Child dolls, though I rarely find those! And kids books and toys. This is my nieces’ second home, and most of the toy collection was thrifted or yard saled.
I love looking for pink Pyrex, books, and any sewing crafting supplies. I love thrifting for anything that’s a good deal.
I like to hoard vintage sheets. They make sweet dresses for my daughter and doubled up nice tea towels. Can’t get enough 🙂
Love to collect fabric, designer clothes, books and anything crafty.. currently looking for things to be used in my upcoming wedding.
I love to look for fabric and patterns (great giveaway!) and children’s books. Lots and lots of children’s books. You can never have too many, right?
I look for awesome patterns, cute sheets to sew up, clothes for the kids, and white milk glass (except not the skinny vases anymore, I have tons of them now).
Love thrift shopping! My favorite purchase to date was a beautiful thick lace curtain now turned pencil skirt. I keep my eye out for lace curtains now, but none have yet compared. Thanks for running a giveaway! Those vintage patterns are awesome.
Every Monday I go to the thrift store for .99cent day. I head to the fabric/sheet/linens area and I rarely will buy anything over .99cents. Funny about the polyester, just this past Monday I bought 2 pieces of fabric-both polyester (which I typically avoid since I don’t like the feel of it). But, I plan to make the capes you designed and I thought they’d be good for a lining.
I would love to find amazing vintage fabric but usually don’t. My daughter and I have had some luck with awesome costume jewelry.
Love to look for vintage fabrics and patterns myself. I’m also waiting for the day that I find an awesome cake plate waiting for me on the shelf :).
I LOVE thrift/consignment/garage sales…whatever! I look for anything that catches my eye. From dishes to picture frames to fabric. Anything that inspires me to be creative or that will add to my collection of dishes.
I was good at not collecting things until I started sewing. I probably have six giant tubs of fabric squeezed into our townhouse that I’m trying to whittle down. . . .
I look for all things sewing! You know the kind of stuff they bundle togeather in those clear plastic bags so you can see whats in them. I always find a surprise in there thats very useful that was hidden among all the big chunky stuff, vintage clothes to cut up for fabric, gently used toys from my childhood to share with my kids!There is probably a bunch more…..ooooooh ooooh ooooh, i’m looking for old colored pyrex dishes and tin cups and pitchers.
I keep an eye out for buttons, fabrics, zips, and clothes to use for repurposing. I was lucky last week to find two fitted sheets to use for fabric. Score!
We thrift for everything around here. Fabric, furniture, knick knacks, clothes, toys, dishes, stuff for the barn!
I always look for serving dishes, canning jars, kids’ clothes, etc., but I should really get better at looking for sewing notions and such.
Fabric or cool old sheets, serving dishes, cool baskets for storage and some furniture that just needs some paint 🙂
I’m on the look out for picture frames for a gallery wall I’m working on.
I like to look for dishes and cups. I love the mis-matchedness of it all!
I love vintage Ts, especially ones that remind me of my childhood. I love repurposing into clothes for my kids, but cool Ts are actually hard to come by.
I collect anything with owls, dog Christmas ornaments, and toy doll items (2 year old daughter for that one).
Books, jewelry, fabric, thrifted knit shirts to upcycle, clutter and kids 🙂
I look for anything to craft with, old dishes, and books, books, books!
I’m a fabric hunter… but I also have a big thing for fruit bowls! I just can’t resist them =)
I look for clothes in natural fibres with the intention of cutting them up for applique and patchwork. Then I can’t bring myself to cut them – someone could get good wear out of them…
I’m always on the hunt for: 1) items that I grew up with but my older sisters now have in their homes b/c they got married and had kids first! and 2) pyrex
I’m forever searching for this paper pumpkin decoration (with funky 70s legs that move) and a ceramic christmas tree.
thanks for the chance for your cool finds! lindsay
I have been on this vintage Pyrex hunt lately…. Oh, and vintage sheets/fabric, etc!
Candle Sticks. I love Candles. Also, Tea Cups with their matching plates. 🙂 AND, vintage sheet sets.
Thank you.
i always keep an eye out for globes and maps, in addition to vintage sheets and fabric, of course! thanks for the giveaway!
I love boxes! The smaller and more intricately carved, the better!
I also really like vintage pillowcases.
Great giveaway!
I’d LOVE those patterns:)
over sized clothes!!
and offcourse crockery