“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”—Henry David Thoreau
I hope so, and if not I still have the entire second half of our vacation waiting for us to slurp more snow cones, make homemade ice cream, sleep with the windows open, and feel the warm sun on our skin before it’s back to sweaters and school.
Have an excellent weekend. Drink some lemonade and slather on the sunscreen. These days won’t last forever. Let’s enjoy them while we have them.
Hi Liz..I really hope the summer doesn’t run by too fast for you..be a glass half full girl and pack a heap of fun into that second half..there is plenty more to go!
I’m only 1/5 into my vacation – and I intend to just BE – to fully enjoy the season – it’s so short here in Norway – but we will love every second of it. Tone
Our summer is flying by as well. I just can’t get over how fast time has been going lately.
Needed to read this to remember that the heat will end in horrid Las Vegas!!! http://bellesbazaar-heather.blogspot.com
Oh I want to be by that lake! Enjoy the 2nd half of summer. We only have about one month left 🙁