Tis the season for yard sales…HOORAY!!! (Now I have one more resource to pull vintage goodness from.) So in the spirit of the garage sale season we will be bringing to our blog a little something that we are going to call “Thrifted Thursdays”.
Thifted Thursdays will start today and end in the fall (along with all the marvelous yard sales). So from now until then each and every Thursday will be filled with projects made from items purchased at yard sales or thrift stores!
I’m so excited…I love these kind of things. Let’s get started!
Today we have a tutorial on how to make a double layered skirt out of a vintage pillowcase.
You all ready for this? Here we go!
Here’s what you’ll need:
#1. A pillowcase. (As you can see I purchased mine for $1)
#2. Enough elastic to fit around the waist of the one who will be wearing the skirt.
#3. Thread
#4. Scissors
Here’s what to do:
#1. Measure the wearer of the skirt from waist to knee.
#2. Fold the closed end of the pillowcase down through the pillow until the space between the fold you are creating and the open end of the pillow case equal the waist to knee measurement.
#3. Now you are ready to cut. Cut off the excess pillowcase that is hanging out through the open end of the pillowcase. When I cut mine I didn’t cut it flush with the open end of the pillowcase…I left it about an inch longer so I could turn it under and hem it nicely.
#4. Iron it flat—especially along that top edge where your fold is.
#5. Now sew the casing for the elastic waistband. This part is easy because the fold is a built in line for the top part of the casing. You probably don’t need to sew around the top next to the fold but I sew around everything so I sewed a line 1/4 inch away from the fold and around the entire circumference of the skirt.
#6. Next measure down from the line you just made (or the fold if you didn’t sew the line) the distance that the elastic you are using is wide and sew around the circumference of your skirt again. This time however leave an opening about an inch wide to thread your elastic through.
I love the double layer. It makes the skirt nice and fluffy. Perfect for summer fun.
It’s darling, Liz!
Lovely! You’re both so innovative . . . it looks so pretty!
Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
this is so cute! great job! I found your blog through a link party and i LOVE it! I am your newest follower! I would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!
What a great idea! Pinning it 🙂
I found you in a linky party, and SO glad that I did. I love this, just adorable! Thanks for sharing.
i love yard sales, estate sales, garage sales, anything were i can pick up some little treasure. i almost hate going to regular stores now. and i love pillow case skirts! this one is darling. my only problem is that i have made my girls 54750937509347850 of them and they can’t wear them all. i need to quit. i may have a problem! haha.
Ummmmm……I already did this for Mother’s Day. You can come see my blog. Cute skirt though.
Dear Blu Babes obviously great minds think a like!
super tutorial – added to my ‘must try’ list. I’ve been dabbling with some repurposed things for girl’s clothing if you’d like to have a peek.
Blue Velvet Chair