…ok, yea, so I do have a hand full of Nerds that I’ve been hauling around since we left home….
…oh, and I may have taken them out of Simon’s candy bowl…
…but if you look in the van you’ll find a lot of them there, sprinkled around on the floor and seats…
I love that girl. My sneaky, messy, silly faced two year old girl. I can’t help it. Just one look and she can melt my heart.
However, neither my love for her or tales of her candy snatching adventures are the purpose of this post.
But, this is:
It’s finally spring ! And around these parts spring = pillowcase dresses. (Especially if you are Elizabeth…she’s made more than one in her time…in fact, you can see some of her pillowcase handiwork here)
Anyways, here is my version. Although, I’m thinking the next version should include pockets. It may save me some clean up time.
(On second thought, forget the pockets—Gracie’s yellow maternity sweater skirt is currently soaking in the sink after going through the wash with a pocketful of red Starbursts. Thank goodness for Oxyclean.)
Linked Here http://delicateconstruction.blogspot.com/
She is just too cute! Especially in that sweet little dress. And I thought my son was up to a lot of shenanigans . . . and he can’t even walk yet. But starburst-filled pockets in the laundry? I think life is going to get a LOT more interesting in the next few years . . .
Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
Yours is definately cuter than mine from two years ago!!!!!
Lol – your Nerds are my pretzels…you find them tucked into EVERYTHING in our car…lol! Very cute dress 🙂
LOL I feel for you!! I must say better nerds than chocolate of heaven forbid the ever candy demon I call gum!
Adorable. I love the floral/stripe/dot mix. I haven’t had Nerds since like 5th grade!