“An ideal homemaker is lovely to look at and lovely to be around–she has a wholesome attitude and a pleasing appearance. She has the courage to be happy and strives to live above the faults of moodiness, sulkiness, and complaining. She is gracious and thoughtful and is consequently adored by her family and admired by all who know her.”
—Daryl V. Hoole
(The Art of Homemaking 1967)
This is awesome. I just read this to my mom over the phone. I think that she is still laughing.
I like the phrase “courage to be happy”.
Love the line” ‘courage to be happy’ – So true in this crazy mixed up world.
And pops pills and drinks a lot. Nope, don’t ever show your true feelings. It might crack your robotic facade. God bless those ladies who were told they were bad for being human. It must have been very frustrating. Viva la modern mom!
Whoa. I don’t think I would qualify as a homemaker by this descripton!!
I don’t think I qualify either…sitting here in my pj’s infront of the computer. But I love that ideal…that crazy perfect pearl wearing ideal….and a girl can dream can’t she?
But until then (that day when I’m the ultimate homemaker) I have to go…my family is calling. We’re eating pasta in the family room while we watch a movie. The ideal? Maybe not. But it’s more than enough to give me “the courage to be happy.”
I wonder if Daryl’s wife lived up to this ideal? 🙂
Daryl is a woman. That’s her name…Daryl. (I’ve looked her up.)