Here’s the deal. Elizabeth and I really do have exactly the same name. We can’t help it…our parents each named us and then we married brothers (which is how we met).
Recently we have had comments wondering how to tell who posts what and who is who…so in an effort to help sort us out my posts will show me as liZ and Elizabeth’s will still be posted as by Elizabeth.
Hopefully that will help, and if not just know that anything that takes real skill and is super cute was posted by Elizabeth and anything referring to soda, 80’s cartoons, or not knowing what I’m doing is posted by me.
Alright, now I’ve got to go back to finishing my taxes.
LOL – thanks for the chuckle before I climb into bed tonight liZ! Like I am smart enough to keep that one straight…lol
just found this and I’m enjoying it very much – just wanted to say I think it’s cool to share a name like that! I shared my full name with my sister in law (she married my brother) for 5 years until I got married and changed my last name!