So Grace loves all things princess.
It’s not really my thing so her obsession with it somewhat perplexes me. I’ve always been more of a make some mud pies and play with my brother’s He-Man action figures kind of a girl. (I was even He-Man for Halloween a few years ago when I taught junior high…that’s right I was “THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE!!!”)
But, I digress. And where was I? Oh, princesses. They aren’t my thing but they are my daughters thing so we’ll go with it.
At bedtime she only wants to wear fancy shmancy frilly nightgowns to sleep in but it’s still too cold. I know, spring is on the way but our nights are still freezing. So last week I came up with these babies…
Cinderella’s thermal pajama’s! (Yes, I realize that Cinderella wouldn’t wear thermal pajama’s but Grace doesn’t…)
Grace thinks they are just like Cinderella’s winter jammies. They have just enough lace and ruffles to cinch the princess deal and they are thermal so I’m happy that she is both warm and comfortable. Who says dreams can’t come true?
But why is this crazy concoction a $5 project?
Because I bought the jammies at Dollar Tree ($1 for the tops and $1 for the bottoms) and then used random leftover lengths of lace and eyelet to fancy them up. Making my cost $2.26 which makes me feel like I’m the Master of the Universe all over again and this time I don’t even have to carry a sword.
*Our local Dollar Tree had thermals in sizes from 12 months to 4T. I originally bought size 2T and quickly discovered that the sizes run extremely small. I ended up making all Gracie’s jammies out of the 4T size. So if you make some—buy larger sizes!
featured you guys today :). Have a great weekend!