I love kona cotton. I really do. The quality is great and always washes up so much nicer than other broadcloth. (I do use cheaper broadcloth…trust me…but I do love Kona cotton–it has a much better thread count than most broadcloth but is still so soft.) Lots of quilters use it for that reason…..but I love it for clothing. It is the best.And I have quite a bit of white at the moment….so I am intent on making some things with it. Hence, stick around for some more things with white cotton kona. (I wish I were getting paid in Kona cotton–but alas no, just a personal opinion.)
As I mentioned before Hannie is a skirt girl. Always has been and maybe always will be (I have to bribe her with something to wear pants on PE day). And as I also said before, quite a few of her skirts are getting short, but still fit just fine around the waist. So, project #1 is an eyelet slip to go under her skirts and make them still work for Spring. Really easy. And useful. And I have seen slips like this all over at boutiques for lots of money. This one is less than 5 bucks…
Project #1– A skirt extenderI cut and made an easy skirt 16 inches by width of fabric.
I used a spool of eyelet from Joann’s that was 5 yards for $2.50. A bargain (much cheaper than the cut by the yard stuff.)
Sewed the skirt tube; serged and made the casing at the top for the elastic. I then serged the bottom edge and pinned the eyelet to it. (right sides together) Put the elastic in and you’re done.
And do a little twirling for old skirts that are new again. (It was all about the twirling in the photo shoot.)
I even think the Bustle Skirt looks really cute….kind of retro/modernish.
And now I want one. With some wide vintage cream lace around the bottom for some of my dresses.
P.S. I am thinking about adding a second row for even shorter skirts…..what do you think? I’ll let you know.
I think that is a great idea…I think even a full slip would be great to make to put under the litle dresses I’ve been making for Grace. The eyelet sticking out of the bottom would be super cute.
I need one of these!
Hi and thanks for leaving your lovely comment on my blog today – WOW – you girls are busy!! Some fabulous projects here – love this one!!
I found a full slip with edging at a garage sale. It was white and had long sleeves. I knew it would make a great blouse under a jumper or with a skirt for a granddaughter.
Thanks for this post with the slip idea that can extend the wear time of a skirt or just make it fancier.