Today Gracie is making her debut in her brand new jumper right here on the family room couch.
Grace has been sick for days with a high fever. She hasn’t wanted to move, eat, or drink. But today when she saw Simon and her dad getting ready for church she wanted to get ready as well….and she wanted to wear this dress.
So here she is: Fever 102 degrees, runny nose, bundled in blankets, watching A Bug’s Life and wearing her brand new jumper and her favorite red shoes.
This is the first smile we’ve seen in days.
I am glad that there is at least a smile….that’s a good sign to at least the start of recovery.
The jumper is adorable! You available for skirt sewing? I need some made before my daughter’s 9th b-day, I sent you an e-mail, please give me a call @ 801-789-5791…thanks…also, check out my blog, the dresses you made for the girls are on there!