Awhile ago I picked up a bunch of these pillow covers at the Dollar Store. I had this great idea to turn them into tote bags until….
…not less than a month later I saw on another blog where a super awesome seamstress turned some covers into tote bags. They were really cute…way cuter than my idea…I was sad. So into the basement they went until yesterday.
I felt like sewing something but didn’t have a lot of time to invest in a project. As I dug around the craft room I came across the covers and viola! I had myself a project.
I chopped off the top and bottom zippered sides of the covers, threw in an elastic, and hemmed the bottom. It was still kind of plain so I attached a doillie and she was wearing it within minutes.
1 skirt, 1 dollar, 30 minutes. It’s my kind of project plus now I know what to do with all those covers I have stashed away.
Awe, I think it is a brilliant idea and the picture is just real life. Sweet baby and skirt.
May have to copy that idea.
Take care,