And so begins week 2 of Facet No.4.
Let’s see what advice Ms. Hoole has for me this morning.
“We as homemakers, set the standards for orderliness in our homes…Children are only an excuse, not a reason, for a cluttered house.”
“Perhaps it does require a second’s more time to be neat and orderly initially, but ultimately considerable time is saved by not having to hunt for a pencil, the mate to a shoe, or the other stocking.”
This week I will be working on order…not organized order, just order. Putting things back where they belong as soon as we are done with them and helping my kids (and husband) do the same.
This coming week will be crazy with 2 boutiques, driving the carpool, teaching preschool, soccer practice, church meetings and activities so I’m going to trade in that “second’s more time” and hopefully get back some “considerable time” that has been saved. Heaven knows we’re going to need it.