Today began week two of the “Ambition Facet” of my experiment and I started it off right…kind of…almost…not really…
I got up early, made the bed, sorted the laundry, started the laundry, went through a pile of paper work, and then woke up the kids. I got Simon dressed, fed, and ready for school, and then proceeded out side to clean out the mini van while waiting for his car pool to arrive.
We waited and waited and I cleaned and cleaned and then at 9:12 (school starts at 9:15) I realize that it’s my week to drive the carpool…IT’S MY WEEK TO DRIVE THE CARPOOL!!!
I load my kids and speed to pick up the others. We zoom into the unloading zone and the kids pile out just as the last kindergartners are filing into the building. WheW! We made it.
And as long as I’m out….
…I decide to go run a few of the errands that I need to do. We are already in the car so let’s just get them done. Being efficient will help my ambitious efforts right? But then as we are leaving one of the stores I run into a long lost friend from high school at which point I remember that I forgot one of Ms. Hoole’s “A’s”—Appearance. Sure enough, there I stand in my pj’s, slippers, and no make-up. Apparently I forgot rule #1 which is get up and get dressed before you do anything else. Nice.
For the record I did get some serious work done today so I’m giving myself an A for ambition…plus my attitude has been at least in the B+ A- range…but, I definitely fail the appearance portion. Overall I’ll say I’m at a solid C+.
And a C+ is average right?
Average. Maybe that should be added to Ms. Hoole’s list of “A’s’. That is a facet that I might could handle.