My five-year-old is a dress girl. And that means everyday. I made her wear jeans today because #1 it was PE day and #2 because it was cold and wet and icky this morning. You would have thought that I put her in a torture chamber. Tears, tears, and more tears.
So, I think we are back to skirts and dresses. And since she wears them EVERYDAY I am in need of some shorts to wear under skirts. She will wear leggings (thank heavens) but I needed some shorts to wear with cute knee socks and leg warmers (cause we’re all about the 80’s here) until I can talk her into tights (they hurt you know…..just like jeans). So I had been searching everywhere for some shorts to wear under her dresses and skirts….BUT #1 I am cheap….and #2 it’s October. Two strikes.
Well, browsing at the dollar store I spied some boys knit boxer shorts. Aha!!! That was it. I added some knit that I had, cut and sewed it into ruffles on the bottoms and in the front (to sew up the seam) and they work perfectly.
Also great for girls that wear skirts and like to hang over at a horizontal bar, like my DD… Wearing these cuties make it less shameable!!! Also great presents!!!!