This post is sponsored by Wayfair.
Today we are taking part in the Wayfair’s Spectacular Snow Day Campaign for great DIY’s and recipes that everyone can make during a snow day…and today’s tutorial is one that we definitely need with all the snow and cold we have had this winter!
I am a big fan of handwarmers, probably because my hands are always cold. These handwarmers are filled with rice and after they are made, you put them in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds and then slip them in your pockets to keep you warm for a couple of hours.
(******NOTE******Because of the potential for man-made fabrics to burn, PLEASE do a burn test with any materials that you plan on using in this tutorial. IF you don’t know how to do a burn test you can go HERE.)
Here are the materials you will need:
*Cotton Embroidery Floss
*Cotton Thread (no polyester because of burning issues)
*Cotton orange fabric
*Sewing needle
*Fabric Scissors
Step 1: Cut out four 5″ circles for two handwarmers. Using your scissors, cut a triangle for the snowman’s nose and stitch it onto the felted wool or cotton felt.
Step 2: Using the black cotton, stitch two french knots for the eyes. HERE is a great video to show you how to do a french knot. Repeat 5 or 6 french knots for the snowman’s mouth.
Step 3: After you have the face done, place two of the 5″ circles (one with the face facing out) and stitch around leaving a 1″ opening. Then fill with rice and stitch up the 1″ opening and you are done!
And then you them to keep warm! Happy snow day…..