Today’s “Art of Homemaking: Sewing Spaces” post is brought to you courtesy of our sweet friend Christina over at Two Little Hooligans where she runs a series highlighting bloggers sewing spaces (among her other picturesque posts about her beautiful home, family, and sewing). We love Christina and are delighted to be invited to participate in her series.
HOWEVER….If you have followed us for any amount of time you know if one of us is doing something you can almost count on the other to be doing the same thing….and that if we are both doing the same thing chaos, calamity, and/or comedy ensues. And right now I’m going to call it CHAOS.
Ok, I shouldn’t speak for Elizabeth…but I am going to call my sewing space chaos. Here’s the story of our current sewing spaces:
Elizabeth just moved and is currently settling into her new home in which she has a brand new sewing room all for herself! (It’s very exciting!)
As for me…I just emptied the preschool room in my house and began the process of turning it into my new sewing room. (Which is also very exciting.)
Here is what they both have in common: #1. They are both in basements. #2. They are both currently filled with boxes, bags, and notions galore. #3. They both have white walls. #4. Their completion is eagerly anticipated.
Previously to this Elizabeth had set up sewing camp in their master bedroom and I had a hut right here in the family room. And while we are both so very excited to have our own rooms we were talking the other night and we realized two things.
#1. We are very fortunate girls. How lucky we both feel to have the chance to set up actual sewing rooms in our homes.
#2. That even though being able to have our own sewing rooms is like a dream come true it is also unnecessary. You don’t need to have a sewing room to create garments, quilts, or curtains. The kitchen table serves as an excellent sewing desk and the kitchen counter makes a perfect cutting table.
In the end it’s all about what you sew…and the fact that you GET to sew that is important…and having dedicated place to do that is just icing on the cake.
Actually, when I “complete” my sewing room I will try to remember to share photos…It will make for a funny post. (Maybe Christina will even invite us back for the big “reveal”!) See, even though I will have a room of my own it is being outfitted with plastic industrial shelves left over from various classrooms I’ve taught in and my old dining room table.
No fancy matching furniture…just hand me downs and repurposed items…including my sewing chair which was a gift from Santa when I was in 5th grade! And you know what, I love it. I really really do. It may be shabby but its mine…all mine…and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
And guess what…if you want to know the truth…I’ve felt like the luckiest girl in the world for a long time, even without the room. Not only do I have a family, which I love more than anything in this world. But I also have a hobby that I love and get to share daily with all of you. And whether I do that from the kitchen table, the front porch, or the basement, it doesn’t matter…the fact is I have been given the opportunity….and for that I am blessed.
thanks for sharing with all of us today! you two girls are so amazing, encouraging and inspiring! and of course you can share pictures if and when your spaces are finished 🙂
I agree- you don’t have to have a sewing room to sew but having a spot where you can leave your sewing machine out and have it not interfere with dinner saves a lot of time. 🙂
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