Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like you are failing everything? The laundry is stacked like Mount Everest, everyone needs to be at different locations (with you) at the exact same time, there is no bread for lunches, and no one can find anything that they own? Not my best days in the art of homemaking. Well, that is my house this week…
And weeks like these can get so overwhelming. I am hoping that most of you can relate in some way. How do you deal with days (or weeks) like these?
Then I read a quote a week or so ago that keeps coming to mind. It went something like this “Don’t measure your success on someone else’s ruler.” (If anyone knows who said it, I would love to include it.) But since we are sew-ers I thought I needed to change the ending a bit….
So, while this week, my successes in the art of homemaking are going to look like (a) getting bread and milk (b) unpacking boxes and (c) getting everywhere to where they need to be…..I am just going to realize that those are what are important on my tape measure right now.
Thank you for this. I needed it today.
true result is your difficult days, all will be fine so not every problem, the path to success encountered many difficulties and hardships and try to persevere to overcome it.
I totally relate and it can definitely be overwhelming! My way of dealing with it (not always successfully I might add) is to prioritize my time and pick my battles…. Easier said than done most of the time but ah well…. we are only human
Sorry to be a bit random but can you tell me what font you used for “Don’t measure your success…..”. Thanks.
It is called Sverige Script.
I completely agree Sophie!
Thanks ★
I’ve had quite a few weeks like this thru the years lol…
My way of dealing with them is to sit back, take a deep breath, repeat to myself “this too shall pass” and buy lunch at school for my kid.
The laundry will get done eventually, lost items will turn up in the most unexpected places, and its not the end of the world if I miss a meeting or party or whatever…
It’s hard to find educated people for this topic, however, you sound like you know what you’re talking about!