So late Thursday night I was watching Project Runway (I always watch it during it’s second broadcast at 11:00pm when everyone is asleep and I can enjoy it…while eating nachos…and stretched out on the couch. Crazy? Maybe, but I’ve never claimed not to be.)
Anyways, so I’m sitting there watching it and Sonjia (who I love) is wearing this totally awesome grey, knit scarf. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a picture of Sonjia wearing the scarf but you can see it in this clip from the last episode of Project Runway. (And trust me it is awesome.)
So I loved it and I wanted one…right then. Which means that during the commercial break I ran downstairs and grabbed an old T-shirt (that I bought at the Dollar store) and got to work.
Within 10 minutes I had me a Sonjia inspired scarf. And while it isn’t the same color or an exact copy…it’s the same idea and it only cost $1.

Here’s what I did:
(Warning: These photos were taken at like midnight and when I was more concerned with making the scarf than the tutorial…they are pretty bad…you can even see my pj covered knee in the step 2 picture…)
Take your T-Shirt (I used a men’s large) and whack it off right under the arm pits and right above the finished hem at the bottom.
Mark a straight line down the right hand side of your cut T-shirt 1 inch away from the side seam.
(NOTE: If you can find a shirt that doesn’t have side seams your scarf will look cuter when it is finished.)
Now start on the left hand side of your T-shirt and cut 1 inch strips along the entire width of your shirt UNTIL you get to the 1 inch mark you made along the right hand side. Once you get to that line stop cutting!
(I know in this photo it looks like I cut vertically but I didn’t…it’s just a bad photo…I took it right after I cut it and before I flipped the cutting board back around so it’s facing the right way for the picture…
ANYWAYS all you are doing is cutting 1 inch strips parallel to where you cut off the bottom hems.)
I promise this is SO EASY even though I just way over explained it…it will probably take you less time to make one of these than to read my instructions on how to make one.
Ok, enough words.
When you are done cutting. Scoop it up along the right hand edge where you didn’t cut and you’ve got yourself a scarf. (this part along the right side seam will be the back of your scarf…the rest will hang down the front all drapey and cute.)
No sewing, no nothing. You are done.
It may be the easiest project I’ve ever posted.
But I love it.
I have an idea how to make another one that looks more like Sonjia’s but for now, this one will do and I can’t complain about the price ($1) or the time (10 minutes) it took to make it.
Ok, so that is all for today.
I hope your Monday is a good one!
oh my goodness i was loving that scarf too! and your dollar store sells shirts?!
Beautiful! You know the other day on Project Runway when they had all that cool stuff to create with and they made those UGLY tee shirts? This would have been perfect for that challenge. I was totally yelling at them to make SCARVES instead of those sad tees.
Thank you for posting this!! I’ve been looking for a simple but handmade gift idea for my kids’ teachers (YES, I’m already thinking toward Christmas but they each have 2 or more teachers this year!), and this would be great. Inexpensive and fast, great for making several in an afternoon of crafting!!
I am making a thousand of these! I read other people’s creative crafting blogs and let my friends think it just came naturally to me 🙂 They will all think I’m so clever now! And trendy, of course. Thanks for being my right brain!
I too very much admired that “scarf”.I think if you pull of each cut strip…it’ll turn unto itself..Its worth a try as soon as I get some Tshirts! Gotta make some too Thx!
Scarves are my absolute biggest weakness right now! I’ll definitely be trying this (even though I live in Australia and it’s spring here now and scarf weather is no more…)
love IT!
WOW! We have something else in common besides a passion for sewing. Project Runway is a must see for me as well. I love what you did with this scarf. Good job!
Someone showed how to do this on the Today show this morning and right afterward I made 2. The final step for them was to yank on each of the loops, thereby giving each a rounded, rope-like look. Loved Sonjia’s scarf, all season.